
Centre for Critical Heritage Studies


Concert : The virtuosa singer in the academies of early modern Italy

17 September 2018, 7:00 pm–9:00 pm

Detail from Arianna e Bacco nell'isola di Nasso Ariadne and Bacchus on the Island of Naxos painted by Domenico Fetti in 1611

Event Information

Open to



Lisa Sampson


UCL Gordon House 29 Gordon Square London WC1H 0PP, Room 106, first floor

A concert of music by Giulio Caccini, Francesca Caccini, Claudio Monteverdi, Marc'Antonio Pasqualini and Barbara Strozzi

Sopranos: Christina Birchall-Sampson, Amy Brosius
Theorbo/Spanish guitar: Richard MacKenzie
Early violoncelli: Tabitha Tuckett (UCL)
Presentations: Amy Brosius (University of Birmingham), Lisa Sampson (UCL)
Organizer: Lisa Sampson (UCL) 

One of the outstanding features of Italian music and theatre culture in the late 16th and 17th centuries was the rise of the female virtuosa, or skilled singer, actress and performer. In some cases virtuose became 'stars' on the public or court stage, but they equally attracted intense criticism and bans. This event presents music by some of the early virtuose singers, poets and composers, and explores contexts, protagonists and musical features. It brings new research perspectives by focusing on private, intellectual circles like academies, which were characteristic of this period and the setting of often less documented, but experimental performances and voices.