AHRC Heritage Priority Area Postgraduate and Early Career Researcher Workshop
04 October 2017, 10:00 am–8:00 pm
Event Information
Open to
- All
British Academy, London
The AHRC Heritage Priority Area Leadership team invites you to attend an All-Day Workshop for Postgraduate Researchers (PGRs) and Early Career Researchers (ECRs) in Heritage Studies at the British Academy in London on Wednesday 4th October.
Who Is This For?
We welcome PGRs and ECRs in Heritage Studies across the Arts and Humanities (and affiliated disciplines), from PhD candidates to postdoctoral researchers, within Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), Independent Research Organisations (IROs), and working within the heritage sector itself, to join the workshop.
We want to use this opportunity to get to know you and to understand your needs as a distinctive part of the UK Heritage Research Community.
At the workshop you will be able to discuss your own work and challenges you have faced with the AHRC Heritage Priority Area Leadership Fellow Rodney Harrison and his team, who are waiting to hear how we can work with AHRC to help support the careers of Early Career Heritage Researchers.
The Workshop Programme
- The workshop will provide an opportunity to:
- Learn more about how the AHRC supports ECRs, especially in the period following the completion of a PhD
- Share your research alongside other heritage researchers
- Learn about new and emerging research topics and the broader context of heritage studies in the UK
- Form new networks and partnerships between and across HEIs and the heritage sector
- Develop collective research agendas
The workshop focuses on how to read yourself into grants, and insight on what research bodies are looking for when they read proposals. It further explores the strengths and benefits of best practice, and gaps you feel are present in your ECR work. There will be keynote presentations and breakout sessions, as well as information on funding and research career planning in Heritage Studies.
Your input to the day will help shape future research support and policy in Heritage Studies in the UK.
The deadline for applications is Friday 4 August noon. Successful applicants will be notified by Friday 14 August 2017.
Feel free to contact hana.morel@ucl.ac.uk for further queries and to submit your application.
Please note
The event will culminate in an Evening Launch/Public Lecture and linked networking reception which is an open event. The lecture will be delivered by Karen Salt, Co-Director of the Centre for Research in Race and Rights at the University of Nottingham. A scholar of race, sovereignty, power and politics, a significant portion of her work investigates how nation-states have claimed independence, demanded political recognition and fought for their continued sovereignty within a highly racialised world. Dr Salt also provides service to the wider arts, humanities and social research communities. She is an active grant reviewers and sits as a member on the Peer Review colleges for ESRC and AHRC. She will begin a 3 year appointment as a member of the AHRC Advisory Board this September.
Following Day:
The ECR workshop will also precede the conference Heritage Studies: Critical Approaches and New Directions in association with the UK Chapter of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies held on Thursday 5th October at the British Academy, which we also invite you to attend. ECRs will have the opportunity to present their work at this event.
You will need to register for both of these events separately.
For further information, please visit our website at https://ahrcheritage.wixsite.com/ahrcheritage
Please also join us on twitter @ahrcheritage