Going to the Crick
What is the Crick?
The Francis Crick Institute is an inter-disciplinary biomedical research institute, formed as a partnership between: the MRC, Cancer Research UK, the Wellcome Trust, Imperial College, King's College London and UCL. Further information on the Crick can be found via the Crick web-site.
What types of attachment could I undertake?
There are 3 forms of attachment that enable researchers from King's, Imperial and UCL to work at the Crick.
- Secondments - these allow a PI to transfer all or part of their research group to the Crick for an agreed period.
- Satellites - comprised of small groups of HEI researchers (usually one to three) embedded in an existing Crick research group for an agreed period to undertake collaborative projects. Satellites will usually comprise postdocs, PhD students and technical staff working at the Crick, with the PI remaining at their home institution.
- Sabbaticals - will enable a PI to spend an agreed period working in an existing Crick research group, for example to learn new techniques or to undertake a hands-on collaboration. For all of these types of attachment staff remain employees of their 'home' University and will return there at conclusion of their attachment.
When would my attachment to the Crick start?
If either you or your Group is selected for attachment to the Crick an expected start date will be agreed between you, the Head of Division or Department at your 'home' University, and the Crick. You should note that the start of your attachment to the Crick will be dependent on your securing external funding for the research you plan to undertake at the Crick; this will be discussed with you following selection for an attachment. The main arrangements for your attachment, including the start and expected end dates, will be formalised through a secondment agreement for you, and each member of your Group. In general each application that is accepted for an attachment has around two years from receiving to obtain funding and enter the Crick.
How long would my attachment last?
The typical length of an attachment depends on the form of the attachment, as follows:
- Secondments - up to 6 years
- Satellites - up to 3 years
- Sabbaticals - up to 12 months.
The length of your attachment should be matched with the project or programme of research that you plan to undertake at the Crick, and will be / has been included in your application for attachment. The length of your attachment will be discussed with you, and will be confirmed in the letter offering you an attachment (should you be selected).
What would my attachment involve?
Your attachment to the Crick will be mainly for the purposes of undertaking a project or programme of collaborative research with researchers from the Crick and / or the other partner Universities. This programme of research will be / has been described in your application for attachment to the Crick.
Whilst working at the Crick you may be able to undertake other activities including: supervision of PhD students from the Crick (secondments) and your 'home' University; supervision of summer or project students from your University; and public engagement.
Whilst working at the Crick you may continue to undertake lecturing, teaching, supervisory and / or clinical duties at your 'home' University. Please see Question 8 (next Section) for further information.
Could I be made to work at the Crick if my University wanted me to do so?
No - your University would not transfer you to the Crick. University staff have the choice to apply to work at the Crick, and will be selected through a formal selection process run jointly across the 3 Universities and the Crick.
Am I eligible to apply for an attachment?
Any PI working at any one of the three Partner Universities is eligible to apply for an attachment. In the first instance you should discuss this with your line manager and Head of Department / Division. Applicants from disciplines contributing to the Crick's strategy are welcome, including: from biomedical disciplines; the physical, computational and mathematical sciences (including engineering); and clinical translation.
Working at the Crick
Will my working arrangements change on attachment to the Crick?
Throughout attachment to the Crick, staff remain employees of the 'home' University, and so your terms and conditions will typically remain unchanged. If attachment requires any changes to your general working arrangements (e.g. your main place of work for secondments and sabbaticals), or specific / personal working arrangements, these will be discussed and agreed with you before the start of your attachment. Any changes to your working arrangements will be formalised through a secondment agreement.
What will my home University expect from me when working at the Crick?
What is expected from you whilst working at the Crick will depend on the type of attachment, the project / programme of research outlined in your application, continuing or new PGR supervisory duties, and the lecturing / teaching and / or clinical work that you continue to undertake through your 'home' University. A job plan for your Attachment will be discussed and agreed by you, your University Head of Division / Department (and Clinical Lead as necessary) and the Crick before the start of your Attachment. This job plan will act as the basis for your appraisals, and you will review it with your University and Crick line managers at appropriate intervals throughout your attachment.
Line Management / Appraisals / Promotion
Who will be my line manager at the Crick?
You will retain your existing line manager from your 'home' University, and you will also have a supporting line manager from the Crick who will handle day-to-day line management matters. It is expected that University staff working at the Crick will remain in regular contact with, and be supported by, their University line manager throughout their attachment.
Who will complete my appraisals?
Regular performance reviews (including reviews at 3 months and 6 months after the start of each attachment), and appraisals, will be undertaken by your University line manager and will follow the usual process and format for your University. We expect that your University line manager (reporting manager) will consult with your 'supporting manager' at the Crick for both reviews and appraisals. Staff on long-term attachment, specifically secondments, should note that in addition to their University performance review / appraisal they may be subject to the Crick's Group Leader process (formally a 'Quinquennial Review'), similar to that for University staff who currently have a joint appointment with the Crick. This is yet to be confirmed.
Can, and how, do I apply for promotion during my attachment to the Crick?
Yes - you can apply for promotion at your home University during your attachment. The process and criteria for promotion will be those of your University.
Advice and Support
If I experience a personal problem whilst working at the Crick, where would I go for advice?
In the first instance you would approach your Crick 'supporting manager' or the Crick HR team for advice and help, depending on the nature of the problem and how it is likely to affect your work. For some personal matters, you might find it helpful to seek advice from your University line manager and / or your University HR advisor.
Can I still remain a member of my Trade Union whilst working at the Crick?
Yes - as you remain an employee of your 'home' University you can remain a member of your current Union.
Visa sponsorship
If you are working in the UK on a work-related visa (e.g. Tier 2 visa) sponsored by your 'home' University (your employer), the University will remain the sponsor for your visa. Your University will remain responsible for any visa monitoring and reporting that you may be required to undertake, and you should continue to follow your University's visa compliance policies.
Salary and Benefits
How will pay my salary be paid whilst I'm working at the Crick?
As staff on attachment to the Crick will remain employees of their 'home' University, you will continue to be paid by the University, though its normal arrangements.
Can I claim any additional allowances (e.g.travel allowances) for working at the Crick?
As working at the Crick will be equivalent to working at a different campus of your 'home' University, staff will not be able to claim additional allowances for normal working on attachment to the Crick. Should additional support be required for specific activities (e.g. academic travel and conferences, or working away from home) staff should seek advice on potential funding sources through their University line manager and Crick supporting manager.
Who will agree my annual leave?
Your annual leave will remain unchanged during your attachment to the Crick, and will be approved / agreed with your Crick supporting manager.
Keeping in Contact with your University
How can I keep in contact with my 'Home' University during my attachment?
Staff on attachment to the Crick are required to maintain close and active links with their home University. If selected for attachment to the Crick you will be expected to return to your University to undertake regular activities (including lecturing / teaching, and / or clinical duties). You are also encouraged to attend regular Divisional / Departmental and / or Faculty academic seminars or staff events (and, where appropriate, encourage colleagues from the Crick to join you). As an employee you will keep and use your University e-mail address and should check this regularly for University- related information.
Group Working Arrangements at the Crick and University
If I undertake a secondment to the Crick how will my group move with me?
If you are selected for a secondment to the Crick the arrangements for moving your Group, both staff and equipment, will be discussed and agreed with you before the start of the attachment. You should discuss the attachment with both your Group, and individual member, as soon as you can. To make links with the Crick it may be helpful to encourage them to take part in Crick-related activities (e.g. post-doc retreats, scientific symposia and seminars) during the period before you move.
Each of your staff will be advised of the arrangements for working at the Crick and will sign an individual secondment agreement. They will normally also remain employees of your home University, and you are likely to remain their line manager during the attachment.
For satellites and sabbaticals the arrangements for either setting-up a group at the Crick, or maintaining your University group whilst you work at the Crick, will be more tailored to your circumstances. These will be discussed and agreed with your University line manager and Crick supporting manager (for satellites) following your selection for attachment.
Research arrangements at the Crick
How will my research be supported whilst working at the Crick?
The arrangements for provision of support for your research at the Crick will depend on your 'home' University and the nature of your research. Your needs for accessing Crick core services and facilities, and any specific requirements for your move to the Crick (e.g. specific laboratory / equipment requirements, and re-derivation of animal models) will be discussed and planned with you following your selection for attachment.
You will normally continue to submit external grant applications through the grants team at your home University, who will advise you where / how both you and they will work with the Crick.
Returning to your University
What happens if I don't like working at the Crick and want to return to my home University before the end of my secondment or sabbatical?
Should you wish to return to your home University before the agreed end of an attachment, you should advise your University Head of Division / Department and Crick supporting manager in the first instance. They will try to help you resolve any problems, and if you still wish to return to your home University they will agree a plan for your return with you. Return to your home University will normally need a minimum of 3 months' notice, to enable the arrangements to be made for your return.
Will I get my lab back when I return to my home University?
As a condition of your attachment to the Crick, your Dean of Faculty agreed to providing suitable space for you to re-establish your research at your home University. The location and allocation of laboratory and office space for you (and your Group) will be discussed and agreed by your Head of Division / Department as part of the planning for your return to the University; this may not be the same physical space that you vacated on moving to the Crick.
What happens if I want to stay working at the Crick instead of returning to my home HEI?
If you wish to remain at the Crick, you would need to either apply for a job directly at the Crick or request a further extension, neither of which is guaranteed. It would not be usual to extend beyond the maximum term for the type of the attachment.