Name & Institute | Destination | Host Contact | Visit Dates | Aims | Output |
William Coulton (Flatiron Institute CCA) | Stanford KIPAC | Tom Abel | 3-12 Nov 2022 | Nearest Neighbor distributions for primordial non-Gaussianity | |
Lawrence Abel Peirson (Stanford KIPAC) | Flatiron Institute CCA | David Hogg | 13-20 Nov 2022 | Convex Optimization for Bayesian inference | |
Stephen Stopyra (Stockholm OKC) | Flatiron Institute CCA | Alice Pisani | 12-18 February 2023 | Discussing the synergies between the theory and application of the anti-halos void definition and the field of exploiting voids to understand cosmology, including spherical voids, and the voids in the recent GIGANTES project. Exploring the possibilities for using future BORG reconstructions to understand what different aspects of the data can be extracted with different void definitions | |
Daniele Sorini (Durham ICC) | Flatiron Institute CCA | Rachel Somerville | 30 April - 6 May 2023 | Establishing multi-institutional collaborative projects on the impact of galactic feedback processes and cosmology on star formation and the gas distribution within haloes | |
Niall Jeffrey (UCL) | Flatiron Institute CCA | Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro | 22-26 May 2023 | Work on "Evidence Networks: Bayesian model comparison & simulation-based inference" | |
Nushkia Chamba (Stockholm OKC) | UCL | Amelie Saintonge | 14-26 September 2023 | Testing the predictions of HI and optical size scaling relations in the dwarf regime | |
Elise Darragh-Ford (Stanford KIPAC) | Flatiron Institute CCA | Nico Garavito Camargo | 21 September-5 October 2023 | BFExSYMPHONY LMC Collaboration | |
2021-2022 visits
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