
The Core Study



McGlynn (2006) CRHT: A Practical Guide

Clearly defined target population

The main focus for CRHT teams is on people with schizophrenia, those with bipolar affective disorders and severe depression, and people with borderline personality disorders. One area of controversy isthe relationship that CRHT teams have with A&E departments. An unpublished survey at the Norfolk and Norwich hospital in 2005 revealed that about 90% of patients whom mental health services were asked to see in the A&E department did not require the CRHT team service. Ideally A&E departments should have their own mental health liaison service to deal with requests for mental health assessments and only pass on to the CRHT team cases at risk of admission to the psychiatric unit. CRHT teams can have a helpful role in supporting non-target groups in crisis for a few days until they can be passed on to other community-based services. Unfortunately, in too many areas, CRHT teams are used to undertake all A&E mental health work, to the detriment of their capacity to deliver home treatment. (p.15-16)