
The Core Study



Bridgett & Polak (2003) Social systems intervention and crisis resolution Part 1: Assessment

The 'story so far' can be profoundly enriched by asking for more information, not so much from the patient, but from significant others. Who else can say more about what is already known? How can they be contacted? How does their point of view raise further issues to discuss with the patient? With which of the patient's social systems can the referral crisis be most closely identified? (Box 8) (Polak, 1967; Fish, 1971; Polak & Kirby, 1976; Polak et al, 1977).' (p.428)

Bridgett & Polak (2003) Social systems intervention and crisis resolution Part 2: Intervention

…identifying the causes of illness relapse and agreeing indicators of relapse will establish a 'relapse signature'. This knowledge can usefully be shared with significant others (Birchwood & Drury, 1995). (p.436)