Initial findings from the CORE study have appeared in the following places:
Lloyd-Evans, B., Mayo-Wilson, E., Harrison, B., Istead, H., Brown, E., Pilling, S., ... & Kendall, T. (2014). A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials of peer support for people with severe mental illness. BMC psychiatry, 14(1), 39. (Downloadable copy of this paper).
CORE Learning Collaborative 27th April 2015
The CORE Learning Collaborative event was held at UCL on Monday 27th April 2015. It was an opportunity for staff from the teams and Trusts involved in the CORE Phase 4 Resource pack trial to get together and share their experiences of service improvement. The event happened 6 months in to the intervention period of the trial. Speakers from 9 of the 15 teams in the intervention arm of the study gave presentations explaining what their service improvement plans look like, and how they are working to achieve them. While the study is ongoing these presentations will only be available to teams in the intervention arm of the study, but will be made more widely available at the end of the study. We also had talks from Dr Geraldine Strathee, Clinical Director for Mental Health, NHS England, Professor Sonia Johnson and Dr Bryn Lloyd-Evans:
- The national context and crisis care concordat - Dr Geraldine Strathdee (.pdf)
- Crisis resolution and home treatment in England: where are we now? - Professor Sonia Johnson (.pdf)
- Supporting CRT service improvement: An overview of the CORE study - Dr Bryn Lloyd-Evans (.pdf)
Early Intervention Services short course September 2014
Sonia Johnson and our colleagues in the CIRCLE study and Camden and Islington EI service are running the sixth UCL short course in early intervention for psychosis, a 3-day course covering in a practical and clinically oriented way the core knowledge and skills required by all staff in Early Intervention Services. Further details and how to sign up are here, and the full programme for the course is here.
CORE Symposium 27th May 2014
The first CORE Symposium was held at UCL on Tuesday the 27th of May 2014. Over 80 participants listened to a number of presentations and engaged in useful discussion. The programme and presentations are available to download below:
10.30 Introductions
10:45 Sonia Johnson (University College London): Overview: what do we know about CRTs (.ppt)
11.00 Sonia Johnson: CRT survey (.ppt)
11.15 Bryn Lloyd-Evans (University College London): CRT stakeholder interviews
11.30 Bryn Lloyd-Evans: Developing a CRT fidelity measure (.ppt)
11.45 Break
12.00 Gary Bond (Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Centre, USA): Implementation and the EBP program (.ppt)
12.45 Danni Lamb (University College London): The CRT Fidelity Survey
13.15 Discussion
13.30 Lunch
14.15 Alan Simpson (City University London): Peer support and the East London trial (.ppt)
15.50 Sonia Johnson: Discussion and closing remarks
16:30 Close
Verona ENMESH 2013
Members of the research team attended the Verona ENMESH conference 2013 and gave presentations on:
- Crisis alternatives to hospital admission (presentation slides).
- The current state of knowledge about optimal mental health acute care systems (presentation slides).
- Service users' perspectives on acute care.
- Results from a national survey of innovative practice in Crisis Resolution Teams in England (as part of Workstream 1).
- The development of the Crisis Resolution Team fidelity measure (as part of Workstream 1).
- The development and design of the peer-support self-management programme (as part of Workstream 2).
For more details see the presentation abstracts.
Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation Trust Annual Nursing Conference 2014
Findings from the study were presented at this conference.