About the Project
This project monitors the implementation of devolution in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. In November 2000, the Constitution Unit received further funding from the ESRC Devolution and Constitutional Change programme to extend the Monitoring reports to England (led by John Tomaney at Newcastle University) and the Centre (Roger Masterman at the Constitution Unit, succeeded in Jan 2003 by Guy Lodge). Additional funding provided by the ESRC grant (ref.: L219 25 2016) also allowed the Scottish, Northern Irish and Welsh teams to extend the scope and depth of their reports, and to extend the whole monitoring programme to April 2005.
The monitoring methodically tracks the changes that devolution brings across a range of policy areas. The outputs highlight the main comparisons and similarities between devolution in the three areas, and focus on:
- new political structures and the policy process
- policy priorities and programmes
- the funding of devolution and new patterns in public spending flows
- changes in the political parties, and the emergence of a 'new' politics
- the performance of the new devolved institutions
- public attitudes to devolution
- relations between tiers of government: local, devolved, Westminster and the EU
The monitoring teams each draw on a small network of experts. Reports are filed each quarter, and made available as pdf files on the Leverhulme Nations and Regions website. The reports are condensed and brought together in an annual review, The State of the Nations, published at the end of each year. The launch of the review is accompanied by a high profile public lecture on devolution.
Monitoring reports: Northern Ireland 2003
The current team is led by Rick Wilford, School of Politics, Queen's University Belfast (assembly); Robin Wilson, Director, Democratic Dialogue (devolved government, public policies, finance). Other members are:
- John Coakley, Director, Institute for British-Irish Studies, University College Dublin (intergovernmental relations)
- Lizanne Dowds, Research Fellow, School of Policy Studies, University of Ulster and Deputy Director, NI Social and Political Archive (ARK)
- Greg McLaughlin, Lecturer in Media Studies, University of Ulster (media)
- Elizabeth Meehan, Director, Institute of Governance, Public Policy and Social Research, Queen's University Belfast (intergovernmental relations, European Union)
- Duncan Morrow, Director, Northern Ireland Community Relations Council (political parties and elections)
Monitoring reports: Scotland 2002-03
Research team
The current team is led by: JamesMitchell, Professor of Politics, University of Strathclyde (j.mitchell@strath.ac.uk). Team members are:
- BarryWinetrobe, Lecturer in Public Law, University of Glasgow
- MarkShephard, Lecturer in Politics, University of Strathclyde
- Philip Schlesinger, Director, Stirling Media Research Institute, University of Stirling
- John Curtice Professor of Politics, University of Strathclyde
- Alex Wright is Lecturer in Politics, University of Dundee
- Neil McGarvey Lecturer in Politics, University of Strathclyde
- David Bell, Professor of Economics, University of Stirling
Monitoring reports: Wales 2002-03
The current team is led by: JohnOsmond, Director, Institute of Welsh Affairs. Team members are:
- Dr Denis Balsom, Editor, Wales Yearbook
- Sarah Beasley, Cardiff Law School
- Jessica Mugaseth, Research Officer, Institute of Welsh Affairs
- Suzanne Grazier, Research officer, Institute of Welsh Affairs
- Gerald Taylor, University of Glamorgan
Monitoring reports: The Centre 2003
- Guy Lodge, the Constitution Unit
- Robert Hazell, Director, the Constitution Unit
- Meg Russell, the Constitution Unit
- James Mitchell, Strathclyde University