
The Constitution Unit


Brexit, Federalism and Scottish Independence

13 February 2017, 6:00 pm–7:30 pm

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Sir Ambrose Fleming Lecture Theatre, G06, Roberts Building, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT

Jim Gallagher has suggested that the return of powers from Brussels not only to Whitehall, but also the devolved governments, presents an opportunity to move the UK towards a confederal constitution (Constitution Unit Blog 10 October).  Kezia Dugdale has called for a People's Constitutional Convention to devise a new Act of Union.  Kenny MacAskill sees some advantages in a confederal solution, and federalism is a longstanding policy aim of the Liberal Democrats.


Kenny Farquharson, Chair; Senior writer, The Times Scotland

Professor Jim Gallagher, Nuffield College, Oxford

Kenny MacAskill, former SNP Justice Minister in Scotland

Kezia Dugdale, Leader of the Scottish Labour Party

Baroness (Jenny) Randerson, former Liberal Democrats Minister, Wales Office

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