K. H. L Zhang, Y. Du, P. V. Sushko, M. E. Bowden, V. Shutthanandan, S. Sallis, L. F. J. Piper, S. A. Chambers,Hole-induced metal-insulator transition in La1-xSrxCrO3 epitaxial films, Physical Review B (in press).
M. Kitano, S. Kanbara, Y. Inoue, N. Kuganathan, P. V. Sushko, T. Yokoyama, M. Hara, H. Hosono, Electride support boosts nitrogen dissociation over ruthenium catalyst and shifts the bottleneck in ammonia synthesis, Nature Communications 6, 6731 (2015). [Link to PDF]
L. R. Parent, Y. Cheng, P. V. Sushko, Y. Shao, J. Liu, C.-M. Wang, N. D. Browning, Realizing the full potential of insertion anodes for Mg-ion batteries through the nanostructuring of Sn, Nano Letters 15, 1177-1182 (2015). [Link to PDF]
S. E. Chamberlin, I. H. Nayyar, T. C. Kaspar, P. V. Sushko, S. A. Chambers, Electronic structure and optical properties of α-(Fe1-xVx)2O3 solid-solution thin films, Applied Physics Letters 106, 041905 (2015). [Link to PDF]
R. B. Comes, P. V. Sushko, S. M. Heald, R. J. Colby, M. E. Bowden, S. A. Chambers, Band-gap reduction and dopant interaction in epitaxial La,Cr co-doped SrTiO3 thin films, Chemistry of Materials 26, 7073-7082 (2014). [Link to PDF]
S. P. Hepplestone, P. V. Sushko, Effect of metal intermixing on the Schottky barriers of Mo(100)/GaAs(100) interfaces, Journal of Applied Physics 116, 193703 (2014). [Link to PDF]
K. H. L. Zhang, P. V. Sushko, R. Colby, Y. Du, M. E. Bowden, S. A. Chambers, Reversible nano-structuring of SrCrO3-δ through oxidation and reduction at low temperature, Nature Communications 5, 4669 (2014).[Link to PDF]
M. Aldegunde, S. P. Hepplestone, P. V. Sushko, K. Kalna, Multi-scale simulations of a Mo/n+-GaAs Schottky contact for nanoscale III-V MOSFETs, Semiconductor Science and Technology 29, 054004 (2014). [Link to PDF]
T. C. Kaspar, S. E. Chamberlin, M. E. Bowden, R. Colby, V. Shutthanandan, S. Manandhar, Y. Wang, P. V. Sushko, S. A. Chambers, Impact of lattice mismatch and stoichiometry on the structure and bandgap of (Fe,Cr)2O3 epitaxial thin films, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26, 135005 (2014). [Link to PDF]
K. Hayashi, P. V. Sushko, Y. Hashimoto, A. L. Shluger, H. Hosono, Hydride ions in oxide hosts hidden by hydroxide ions, Nature Communications 5, 3515 (2014). [Link to PDF]
N. Kuganathan, H. Hosono, A. L. Shluger, P. V. Sushko, Enhanced N2 dissociation on Ru-loaded inorganic electride, Journal of the American Chemical Society 136, 2216-2219 (2014). [Link to PDF]
Past publications
Y. Wang, K. Lopata, S. A. Chambers, N. Govind, P. V. Sushko, Optical absorption and band gap reduction in (Fe1-xCrx)2O3 solid solutions: A first-principles study, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, 25504-25512 (2013). [Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, K. M. Rosso, J.-G. Zhang, J. Liu, M. L. Sushko, Oxygen vacancies and ordering of d-levels control voltage suppression in oxide cathodes: the case of spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4-δ, Advanced Functional Materials 23, 5530-5535 (2013). [Link to PDF]
Y. Toda, H. Hirayama, N. Kuganathan, A. Torrisi, P. V. Sushko, H. Hosono, Activation and splitting of carbon dioxide on the surface of an inorganic electride material, Nature Communications 4, 2378 (2013). [Link to PDF]
S. E. Chamberlin, Y. Wang, K. Lopata, T. C. Kaspar, A. W. Cohn, D. R. Gamelin, N. Govind, P. V. Sushko, S. A. Chambers, Optical absorption and spectral photoconductivity in α-(Fe1-xCrx)2O3 solid-solution thin films, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, 392002 (2013). [Link to PDF]
S. A. Chambers, M. Gu, P. V. Sushko, H. Yang, C. Wang, N. D. Browning, Ultralow contact resistance at an epitaxial metal/oxide heterojunction through interstitial site doping, Advanced Materials 25, 4001-4005 (2013). [Link to PDF][Issue TOC]
M. T. E. Halliday, A. G. Joly, W. P. Hess, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, Mechanisms of photodesorption of Br atoms from CsBr surfaces, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, 13502-13509 (2013). [Link to PDF]
L. Qiao, K. H. L. Zhang, M. E. Bowden, T. Varga, V. Shutthanandan, R. Colby, Y. Du, B. Kabius, P. V. Sushko, M. D. Biegalski, S. A. Chambers, The impacts of cation stoichiometry and substrate surface quality on nucleation, structure, defect formation, and intermixing in complex oxide heteroepitaxy - LaCrO3 on SrTiO3(001), Advanced Functional Materials 23, 2953-2963 (2013). [Link to PDF]
I. V. Abarenkov, M. A. Boyko, P. V. Sushko, Localized directed orbitals representing chemical bonds in ion-covalent crystals, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 113, 1868-1876 (2013). [Link to PDF]
A. Sternig, O. Diwald, S. Gross, P. V. Sushko, Surface decoration of MgO nanocubes with sulfur oxides: experiment and theory, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, 7727-7735 (2013). [Link to PDF]
F. Ding, W. Xu, G. L. Graff, J. Zhang, M. L. Sushko, X. Chen, Y. Shao, M. H. Engelhard, Z. Nie, J. Xiao, X. Liu, P. V. Sushko, J. Liu, J-G. Zhang, Dendrite-free Lithium deposition via self-healing electrostatic shield mechanism, Journal of the American Chemical Society 135, 4450-4456 (2013). [Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, L. Qiao, M. Bowden, T. Varga, G. J. Exarhos, F. K. Urban III, D. Barton, S. A. Chambers,Multiband optical absorption controlled by lattice strain in thin-film LaCrO3, Physical Review Letters 110, 077401 (2013). [Link to PDF]
A. V. Kimmel, J. Iniguez, M. G. Cain, P. V. Sushko, Neutral and charged oxygen vacancies induce two-dimensional electron gas near SiO2/BaTiO3 interfaces, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 4, 333-337 (2013). [Link to PDF]
A. V. Kimmel, P. M. Weaver, M. G. Cain, P. V. Sushko, Defect-mediated lattice relaxation and domain stability in ferroelectric oxides, Physical Review Letters 109, 117601 (2012). [Link to PDF]
J. Xiao, X. Chen, P. V. Sushko, M. L. Sushko, L. Kovarik, J. Feng, Z. Deng, J. Zheng, G. L. Graff, Z. Nie, D. Choi, J. Liu, J.-G. Zhang, M. S. Whittingham, High performance LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 spinel controlled by Mn3+concentration and site disorder, Advanced Materials 24, 2109-2116 (2012). [Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, Tuning optical properties of complex oxides: examples of 12CaO · 7Al2O3 mayenite and LaCrO3 perovskite, Proceedings of SPIE, volume 8263, 826310 (2012), Oxide-based Materials and Devices III. Editors: F. H. Teherani; D. C. Look, D. J. Rogers. ISBN: 9780819489067. [Link to PDF]
J. A. McLeod, E. Z. Kurmaev, P. V. Sushko, T. D. Boyko, I. A. Levitsky, A. Moewes, Selective response of mesoporous silicon to adsorbants with nitro groups, Chemistry - A European Journal 18, 2912-2922 (2012).[Link to PDF]
D. Munoz Ramo, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, Models of self-trapped excitons in SiO2, HfO2 and HfSiO4, Physical Review B 85, 024120 (2012). [Link to PDF]
J. A. McLeod, A. Buling, E. Z. Kurmaev, P. V. Sushko, M. Neumann, L. D. Finkelstein, S.-W. Kim, H. Hosono, A. Moewes, Spectroscopic characterization of a multiband complex oxide: insulating and conducting cement 12CaO · 7Al2O3, Physical Review B 85, 045204 (2012). [Link to PDF][Editor's Suggestion]
S. A. Chambers, L. Qiao, T. C. Droubay, T. C. Kaspar, B. W. Arey, P. V. Sushko, Band alignment, built-in potential and the absence of conductivity at the LaCrO3/SrTiO3(001) heterojunction, Physical Review Letters 107, 206802 (2011). [Link to PDF]
A. S. Mysovsky, P. V. Sushko, E. A. Radzhabov, M. Reichling, A. L. Shluger, Structure and properties of oxygen centers in CaF2 crystals from ab initio embedded cluster calculations, Physical Review B 84, 064133 (2011). [Link to PDF]
L. Qiao, T. C. Droubay, T. C. Kaspar, P. V. Sushko, S. A. Chambers, Cation mixing, band offsets and electric fields at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3(001) heterojunctions with variable La:Al atom ratio, Surface Science 605, 1381-1387 (2011). [Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, Y. Toda, M. Hirano, H. Hosono, Models of stoichiometric and oxygen-deficient surfaces of subnanoporous 12CaO · 7Al2O3, Proceedings of the Royal Society A 467(2131), 2066-2083 (2011). [Link to PDF]
I. V. Abarenkov, M. A. Boyko, P. V. Sushko, Embedding and atomic orbitals hybridization, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 111(11), 2602-2619 (2011). [Link to PDF]
K. P. McKenna, D. Koller, A. Sternig, N. Siedl, N. Govind, P. V. Sushko, O. Diwald, Optical properties of nanocrystallite interfaces in compressed MgO nanopowders, ACS Nano 5(4), 3003-3009 (2011). [Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, A. G. Joly, K. M. Beck, W. P. Hess, Exciton-driven highly-hyperthermal O-atom desorption from nanostructured CaO, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115(3), 692-699 (2011). [Link to PDF]
S. A. Chambers, M. H. Engelhard, V. Shutthanandan, Z. Zhu, T. C. Droubay, L. Qiao, P. V. Sushko, T. Feng, H. D. Lee, T. Gustafsson, E. Garfunkel, A. B. Shah, J.-M. Zuo, Q. M. Ramasse, Instability, intermixing and electronic structure at the epitaxial LaAlO3/SrTiO3(001) heterojunction, Surface Science Reports 65, 317-352 (2010). [Link to PDF]
A. V. Kimmel, P. V. Sushko, M. M. Kuklja, The structure and decomposition chemistry of cis- trans-isomers in a crystalline DADNE, Journal of Energetic Materials 28 Suppl. 1, 128-139 (2010). [Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, K. M. Rosso, I. V. Abarenkov, Interaction of intercalated Li+ ions with oxygen vacancies in rutile TiO2, Electrochemical Society Transactions 28(11), 299-306 (2010). [Link to PDF]
M. L. Sushko, P. V. Sushko, I. V. Abarenkov, A. L. Shluger, QM/MM method for metal - organic interfaces, Journal of Computational Chemistry 31, 2955-2966 (2010). [Link to PDF]
S. Markov, P. Sushko, C. Fiegna, E. Sangiorgi, A. Shluger, A. Asenov, From ab initio properties of the Si-SiO2interface, to electrical characteristics of metal-oxide-semiconductor devices, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 242, 012010 (2010). [Link to PDF]
L. Qiao, T. C. Droubay, V. Shutthanandan, Z. Zhu, P. V. Sushko, S. A. Chambers, Thermodynamic instability at the stoichiometric LaAlO3/SrTiO3(001) interface, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22, 312201 (2010). [IoP Select][Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, K. P. McKenna, D. Munoz Ramo, A. L. Shluger, A. Sternig, S. Stankic, M. Muller, O. Diwald,Photoluminescence properties of alkaline-earth oxide nano-particles, Electrochemical Society Transactions 28(3), 67-80 (2010). [Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, I. V. Abarenkov, General purpose electrostatic embedding potential, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 6, 1323-1333 (2010). [Link to PDF]
A. L. Shluger, K. P. McKenna, P. V. Sushko, D. Munoz Ramo, A. V. Kimmel, Modelling of electron and hole trapping in oxides, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 17, 084004 (2009). [Link to PDF]
A. V. Kimmel, D. Munoz Ramo, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, M. M. Kuklja, Modeling proton transfer and polarons in a molecular crystal diamino-dinitroethylene, Physical Review B 80, 134108 (2009). [Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, K. P. McKenna, A. L. Shluger, O. Diwald, Tuning photoluminescence properties of alkaline-earth oxide nano-particles by site-selective functionalization and doping, Electrochemical Society Transactions 25(9), 131-139 (2009). [Link to PDF]
A. Kimmel, P. Sushko, A. Shluger, G. Bersuker, Positive and negative oxygen vacancies in amorphous silica, Electrochemical Society Transactions 19(2), 3-17 (2009). [Link to PDF]
H. Hosono, K. Hayashi, K. Kajihara, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, Oxygen ion conduction in 12CaO · 7Al2O3: O2- conduction mechanism and possibility of O- fast conduction, Solid State Ionics 180(6-8), 550-555 (2009). [Link to PDF]
A. Martinez, K. Kalna, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, J. R. Barker, A. Asenov, Impact of Body-Thickness-Dependent Band Structure on Scaling of Double-Gate MOSFETs: A DFT/NEGF Study, IEEE Transaction on Nanotechnology 8(2), 159-166 (2009). [Link to PDF]
N. Govind, P. V. Sushko, W. P. Hess, M. Valiev, K. Kowalski, Excitons in potassium bromide: A study using embedded time-dependent density functional theory and equation-of-motion coupled cluster methods, Chemical Physics Letters 470(4-6), 353-357 (2009). [Link to PDF]
P. E. Trevisanutto, P. V. Sushko, K. M. Beck, A. G. Joly, W. P. Hess, A. L. Shluger, Excitation, Ionization, and Desorption: How Sub-Band Gap Photons Modify the Structure of Oxide Nanoparticles, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113(4), 1274-1279 (2009). [Link to PDF]
D. Munoz Ramo, P. V. Sushko, J. L. Gavartin, A. L. Shluger, Oxygen vacancies in cubic ZrO2 nanocrystals studied by an ab initio embedded cluster method, Physical Review B 78(23), 235432 (2008). [Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, H. Hiramatsu, M. Hirano, H. Hosono, Properties of LaFeAsO/MgO(001) interfaces from ab initio calculations, Journal of Physical Society of Japan (Supplement C) 77, 113-116 (2008). [Link to PDF]
T. Nomura, S.-W. Kim, Y. Kamihara, M. Hirano, P. V. Sushko, K. Kato, M. Takata, A. L. Shluger, H. Hosono,Tetragonal-orthorhombic phase transition and F-doping effects on the crystal structure in the iron-based high-Tc superconductor LaFeAsO, Journal of Physical Society of Japan (Supplement C) 77, 32-35 (2008). [Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, M. Hirano, H. Hosono, Mechanism of phase transitions and electronic density of states in LaFeAsO1-xFx and SmFeAsO1-xFx from ab initio density functional calculations, Physical Review B 78(17), 172508 (2008). [Link to PDF]
T. Nomura, S.-W. Kim, Y. Kamihara, M. Hirano, P. V. Sushko, K. Kato, M. Takata, A. L. Shluger, H. Hosono,Crystallographic phase transition and high-Tc superconductivity in LaFeAsO:F, Superconductor Science & Technology 21(12), 125028 (2008). [Link to PDF]
K. M. Beck, A. G. Joly, O. Diwald, S. Stankic, P. E. Trevisanutto, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, W. P. Hess,Energy and site selectivity in O-atom photodesorption from nanostructured MgO, Surface Science602(11), 1968-1973 (2008). [Link to PDF]
S. Markov, P. V. Sushko, S. Roy, C. Fiegna, E. Sangiorgi, A. L. Shluger, A. Asenov, Si-SiO2 interface band-gap transition - effects on MOS inversion layer, physica status solidi (a) 205(6), 1290-1295 (2008). [Link to PDF]
M. Aldegunde, N. Seoane, A. J. Garcia-Loureiro, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, J. L. Gavartin, K. Kalna, A. Asenov,Atomistic mesh generation for the simulation of nanoscale metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors, Physical Review E 77(5), 056702 (2008). [Link to PDF]
A. V. Kimmel, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, M. M. Kuklja, Effect of molecular and lattice structure on hydrogen transfer in molecular crystals of diamino-dinitroethylene and triamino-trinitrobenzene, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112(19), 4496-4500 (2008). [Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, M. Hirano, H. Hosono, Insulator-conductor transition in 12CaO · 7Al2O3 films: on the stability of the crystal lattice under Ar+ bombardment, Thin Solid Films 516(7), 1350-1353 (2008).[Link to PDF]
A. V. Kimmel, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, M. M. Kuklja, An effect of charged and excited states on decomposition of 1.1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethylene, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2007, parts 1 and 2; Editor(s): M. Elert, M. D. Furnish, R. Chau, N. C. Holmes, J. Nguyen. Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings 955, 389-392 (2007).
M. Aldegunde, A. J. Garcia-Loureiro, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, K. Kalna, A. Asenov, "Atomistic" mesh generation for the simulation of semiconductor devices, SISPAD 2007: Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices; Editor(s): T. Grasser and S. Selberherr; 97-100 (2007).
L. Giordano, P. V. Sushko, G. Pacchioni, A. L. Shluger, Electron trapping at point defects on hydroxylated silica surfaces, Physical Review Letters 99(13), 136801 (2007). [Link to PDF]
M. Muller, S. Stankic, O. Diwald, E. Knozinger, P. V. Sushko, P. E. Trevisanutto, A. L. Shluger, Effect of Protons on the Optical Properties of Oxide Nanostructures, Journal of the American Chemical Society 129(41), 12491-12496 (2007). [Link to PDF]
K. P. McKenna, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, Inside powders: a theoretical model of interfaces between MgO nanocrystallites, Journal of the American Chemical Society 129, 8600-8608 (2007). [Link to PDF]
A. V. Kimmel, P. V. Sushko, M. M. Kuklja, A. L. Shluger, Effect of charged and excited states on the decomposition of 1,1-diamino-2,2,dinitoethylene molecules, Journal of Chemical Physics 126, 234711(1-10) (2007). [Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, Electronic structure of insulator-confined ultra-thin Si channels, Microelectronic Engineering 84, 2043-2046 (2007). [Link to PDF]
K. P. McKenna, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, Dynamics of low-coordinated surface atoms on gold nanocrystallites, Journal of Chemical Physics 126, 154704(1-9) (2007). [Link to PDF]
A. V. Kimmel, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, Structure and spectroscopic properties of trapped holes in silica, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 353, 599-604 (2007). [Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, D. Munoz Ramo, A. L. Shluger, Electronic structure and spectroscopic properties of interstitial anions in the nanoporous complex oxide 12CaO · 7Al2O3, physica status solidi (a) 204, 663-669 (2007).[Link to PDF]
K. P. McKenna, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, Transient atomic configurations of supported gold nanocrystallites at finite temperature Journal of Physical Chemistry C Letters 111, 2823-2826 (2007). [Link to PDF]
K. Hayashi, P. V. Sushko, D. Munoz Ramo, A. L. Shluger, S. Watauchi, I. Tanaka, S. Matsuishi, M. Hirano, H. Hosono, Nanoporous crystal 12CaO · 7Al2O3: a playground for studies of ultraviolet optical absorption of negative ions, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111, 1946-1956 (2007). [Link to PDF][CHEMINFORM]
L. Giordano, P. V. Sushko, G. Pacchioni, A. L. Shluger, Optical and EPR properties of point defects at a crystalline silica surface: ab initio embedded-cluster calculations, Physical Review B 75, 024109(1-9) (2007). [Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, M. Hirano, H. Hosono, From insulator to electride: a theoretical model of nanoporous oxide 12CaO · 7Al2O3, Journal of the American Chemical Society 129, 942-951 (2007). [Link to PDF]
A. G. Joly, M. Henyk, K. M. Beck, P. E. Trevisanutto, P. V. Sushko, W. P. Hess, A. L. Shluger, Probing electron transfer dynamics at MgO surfaces by Mg-atom desorption, Journal of Physical Chemistry B Letters 110, 18093-18096 (2006). [Link to PDF]
J. Carrasco, C. Sousa, F. Illas, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, Optical absorption and luminescence energies of F centers in CaO from ab initio embedded cluster calculations, Journal of Chemical Physics 125, 074710(1-9) (2006). [Link to PDF]
K. M. Beck, M. Henyk, C. Wang, P. E. Trevisanutto, P. V. Sushko, W. P. Hess, A. L. Shluger, Site-specific laser modification of MgO nanoclusters: Towards atomic-scale surface structuring, Physical Review B 74, 045404(1-5) (2006). [Link to PDF]
M. Miyakawa, H. Kamioka, M. Hirano, T. Kamiya, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, N. Matsunami, H. Hosono,Photoluminescence from Au ion-implanted nanoporous single crystal 12CaO · 7Al2O3, Physical Review B73, 205108(1-7) (2006). [Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, K. Hayashi, M. Hirano, H. Hosono, Mechanisms of oxygen ion diffusion in a nanoporous complex oxide 12CaO · 7Al2O3, Physical Review B 73, 014101(1-10) (2006). [Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, K. Hayashi, M. Hirano, H. Hosono, Role of hydrogen atoms in the photoinduced formation of stable electron centers in H-doped 12CaO · 7Al2O3, Physical Review B 73, 045120(1-13) (2006). [Link to PDF]
K. Hayashi, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, M. Hirano, H. Hosono, Hydride ion as a two-electron donor in a nanoporous crystalline semiconductor 12CaO · 7Al2O3, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109, 23836-23842 (2005). [Link to PDF][CHEMINFORM]
P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, K. Hayashi, M. Hirano, H. Hosono, Localisation assisted by the lattice relaxation and the optical absorption of extra-framework electrons in 12CaO · 7Al2O3, Materials Science and Engineering C 25, 722-726 (2005). [Link to PDF]
P. E. Trevisanutto, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, K. M. Beck, M. Henyk, J. G. Joly, W. P. Hess, A mechanism of photo-induced desorption of oxygen atoms from MgO nano-crystals. Surface Science 593(1-3), 210-220 (2005). [Link to PDF]
W. P. Hess, A. G. Joly, K. M. Beck, M. Henyk, P. V. Sushko, P. E. Trevisanutto, A. L. Shluger, Laser control of desorption through selective surface excitations - feature article, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109, 19563-19578 (2005). [Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, S. Mukhopadhyay, A. M. Stoneham, A. L. Shluger, Oxygen vacancies in amorphous silica: structure and distribution of properties, Microelectronic Engineering 80, 292-295 (2005). [Link to PDF]
M. Sterrer, T. Berger, O. Diwald, E. Knozinger, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, Chemistry at corners and edges: generation and adsorption of H atoms on the surface of MgO nanocubes, Journal of Chemical Physics 123, 064714(1-7) (2005). [Link to PDF]
S. Mukhopadhyay, P. V. Sushko, A. M. Stoneham, A. L. Shluger, Correlation between the atomic structure, formation energies and optical absorption of neutral vacancies in amorphous silica, Physical Review B 71, 235204(1-9) (2005). [Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, S. Mukhopadhyay, A. S. Mysovsky, V. B. Sulimov, A. Taga, A. L. Shluger, Structure and properties of defects in amorphous silica: new insights from embedded cluster calculations, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 17(21), S2115-S2140 (2005). [Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, K. Hayashi, M. Hirano, H. Hosono, Photo-induced generation of electron anions in H-doped nano-porous oxide 12CaO · 7Al2O3: toward an optically controlled formation of electrides, Applied Physics Letters 86(9), 092101(1-3) (2005). [Link to PDF]
S. Mukhopadhyay, P. V. Sushko, V. A. Mashkov, A. L. Shluger, Spectroscopic features of dimer and dangling bond E' centres in amorphous silica, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 17(8), 1311-1318 (2005). [Link to PDF]
A. S. Mysovsky, E. A. Radzhabov, M. Reichling, A. L. Shluger, P. V. Sushko, Optical properties and transformation mechanism of oxygen centres and their aggregates in CaF2 crystals, physica status solidi (c) 2(1), 392-396 (2005). [Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, The effect of the alpha-quartz lattice on the optical absorption and stretchnig frequency of the interstitial O2 molecule, physica status solidi (c) 2(1), 503-506 (2005). [Link to PDF]
S. Mukhopadhyay, P. V. Sushko, A. H. Edwards, A. L. Shluger, Calculation of relative concentrations of E'centres in amorphous silica. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 345&346, 703-709 (2004). [Link to PDF]
S. Mukhopadhyay, P. V. Sushko, A. M. Stoneham, A. L. Shluger, Modeling of the structure and properties of oxygen vacancies in amorphous silica, Physical Review B 70, 195203(1-15) (2004). [Link to PDF]
M. M. Kuklja, F. J. Zerilli, P. V. Sushko, Embedded cluster model: application to molecular crystals, Synthesis, Characterization and Properties of Energetic/Reactive Nanomaterials. Book Series: Materials Research Society Proceedings 800, 211-222 (2004).
W. P. Hess, A. G. Joly, K. M. Beck, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, Determination of surface exciton energies by velocity resolved atomic desorption, Surface Science 564, 62-70 (2004). [Link to PDF]
A. S. Mysovsky, P. V. Sushko, S. Mukhopadhyay, A. H. Edwards, A. L. Shluger, Calibration of embedded-cluster method for defect studies in amorphous silica, Physical Review B 69, 085202(1-10) (2004). [Link to PDF]
K. M. Beck, A. G. Joly, N. F. Dupuis, P. Perozzo, W. P. Hess, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, Laser control of product electronic state: desorption from alkali halides, Journal of Chemical Physics 120(5), 2456-2463 (2004). [Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, K. Hayashi, M. Hirano, H. Hosono, Hopping and optical absorption of electrons in nano-porous crystal 12CaO · 7Al2O3, Thin Solid Films 445(2), 161-167 (2003). [Link to PDF]
A. L. Shluger, A. S. Foster, J. L. Gavartin, P. V. Sushko, Models of defects in wide-gap oxides: Perspective and challenges, In Nano and Giga Challenges in Microelectronics 151-222. Edited by J. Greer, A. Korkin, J. Labanowski. Elsevier, 2003.
P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, K. Hayashi, M. Hirano, H.Hosono, Electron localization and a confined electron gas in nanoporous inorganic electrides, Physical Review Letters 91, 126401 (2003). [Link to PDF]
A. G. Joly, K. M. Beck, M. Henyk, W. P. Hess, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, Surface electronic spectra detected by atomic desorption, Surface Science 544, L683-L688 (2003). [Link to PDF]
D. Ricci, G. Pacchioni, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, Reactivity of (H+)(e-) color centers at the MgO surface: formation of O2- and N2- radical ions, Surface Science 542, 293-306 (2003). [Link to PDF]
J. L. Gavartin, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, Modelling charge self-trapping in wide-gap dielectrics: localisation problem in local density functionals, Physical Review B 67, 035108(1-9) (2003). [Link to PDF]
D. Ricci, C. Di Valentin, G. Pacchioni, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, E. Giamello, Paramagnetic defect centers at the MgO surface. An alternative model to oxygen vacancies Journal of the American Chemical Society125(3), 738-747 (2003). [Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, V. B. Sulimov, A. S. Mysovsky, A. L. Shluger, Long-range character of lattice distortion by vacancies in alpha-quartrz, In 3rd Forum on New Materials - Vol. 1, Computational Modelling and Simulations of Materials- II, 75-86 (2002).
A. H. Edwards, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, V. B. Sulimov, Embedding techniques for irradiation-induced defects in crystalline SiO2, 2001 6th European Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems, 98-104 (2002).
M. Sterrer, O. Diwald, E. Knozinger, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, Energies and dynamics of photoinduced electron and hole processes on MgO powders, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 106(48), 12478-12482 (2002). [Link to PDF]
K. M. Beck, A. G. Joly, W. P. Hess, D. P. Gerrity, N. F. Dupuis, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, Transient center photodecomposition in potassium bromide, Applied Surface Science 197-198, 581-586 (2002). [Link to PDF]
A. H. Edwards, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, V. B. Sulimov, Embedding techniques for irradiation-induced defects in crystalline and amorphous SiO2, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 49(3), 1383-1388 (2002).
W. P. Hess, A. G. Joly, K. M. Beck, D. P. Gerrity, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, Solid-state halogen atom source for chemical dynamics and etching, Applied Physics Letters 81(6), 1140-1142 (2002). [Link to PDF]
D. Ricci, G. Pacchioni, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, Electron trapping at neutral divacancy sites on the MgO surface, Journal of Chemical Physics 117(6), 2844-2851 (2002). [Link to PDF]
V. B. Sulimov, P. V. Sushko, A. H. Edwards, A. L. Shluger, A. M. Stoneham, Asymmetry and long-range character of lattice deformation by neutral oxygen vacancy in α-quartz, Physical Review B 66, 024108(1-14) (2002). [Link to PDF]
W. P. Hess, A. G. Joly, D. P. Gerrity, K. M. Beck, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, Control of laser desorption using tunable single pulses and pulse pairs, Journal of Chemical Physics 116(18), 8144-8151 (2002). [Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, J. L. Gavartin, A. L. Shluger, Electronic properties of structural defects at the MgO (001) surface, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 106(9), 2269-2276 (2002). [Link to PDF]
J. S. Braithwaite, P. V. Sushko, K. Wright, C. R. A. Catlow, Hydrogen defects in Forsterite: A test case for the embedded cluster method, Journal of Chemical Physics 116(6), 2628-2635 (2002). [Link to PDF]
O. Diwald, M. Sterrer, E. Knozinger, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, Wavelength selective excitation of surface oxygen anions on highly dispersed MgO, Journal of Chemical Physics 116(4), 1707-1712 (2002). [Link to PDF]
W. P. Hess, A. G. Joly, D. P. Gerrity, K. M. Beck, P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, Selective laser desorption of ionic surfaces: resonant surface excitation of KBr, Journal of Chemical Physics 115(20), 9463-9472 (2001).[Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, C. R. A. Catlow, Relative energies of surface and defect states: ab initio calculations of the MgO (001) surface, Surface Science 450(3), 153-170 (2000). [Link to PDF]
S. T. Bromley, S. A. French, A. A. Sokol, P. V. Sushko, C. R. A. Catlow, Application of Density Functional Theory in Solid State Chemistry, In Recent Advances in Density Functional Methods, Vol.1, Part 3, pp. 45-66, edited by V. Barone, A. Bencini, P. Fantucci, World Scientific Publishing Co., (2000). [CHEMINFORM]
P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, R. C. Baetzold, C. R. A. Catlow, Embedded cluster calculations of metal complex impurity defects: properties of the iron cyanide in NaCl, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 12(38), 8257-8266 (2000). [Link to PDF]
L. N. Kantorovich, A. L. Shluger, P. V. Sushko, A. M. Stoneham, The prediction of metastable impact electronic spectra (MIES): perfect and defective MgO(001) surfaces by state-of-art methods, Surface Science 444, 31-51 (2000). [Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, C. R. A. Catlow, R. C. Baetzold, Embedded cluster approach: application to complex defects, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 151(1-4), 215-221 (1999). [Link to PDF]
L. N. Kantorovich, A. L. Shluger, P. V. Sushko, J. Gunster, P. Stracke, D. W. Goodman, V. Kempter, Mg clusters on MgO surfaces: study of the nucleation mechanism with MIES and ab initio calculations, Faraday Discussions 114, 173-194 (1999). [Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, A. S. Foster, L. N. Kantorovich, A. L. Shluger, Investigating the effects of silicon tip contamination in noncontact scanning force microscopy (SFM), Applied Surface Science 144-145, 608-612 (1999). [Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, Electronic structure of excited states at low-coordinated surface sites of MgO, Surface Science 421(3), L157-L165 (1999). [Link to PDF]
A. L. Shluger, P. V. Sushko, L. N. Kantorovich, Spectroscopy of low-coordinated surface sites: Theoretical study of MgO, Physical Review B 59(3), 2417-2430 (1999). [Link to PDF]
P. V. Sushko, A. L. Shluger, C. R. A. Catlow, Self-consistent embedded cluster approach and its application to color centers at the surface of MgO, Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling 16(4-6), 279-280 (1998).
M. G. Kozlov, A. V. Titov, N. S. Mosyagin, P. V. Souchko, Enhancement of the electric dipole moment of the electron in the BaF molecule, Physical Review A 56(5), R3326-R3329 (1997). [Link to PDF]
I. V. Abarenkov, V. L. Bulatov, R. Godby, V. Heine, M. C. Payne, P. V. Souchko, A. V. Titov, I. I. Tupitsyn,Electronic-structure multiconfiguration calculation of a small cluster embedded into a local-density approximation host, Physical Review B 56(4), 1743-1750 (1997). [Link to PDF]