Advisory Board consisting of industry leaders who can provide informed advice on strategic concerns and issues likely to affect the future of the Department.
Mandy Chessell
- External members
- Head of Department
- Deputy Heads of Department
- Director of Research
- Departmental Tutor
Terms of reference
- The External Advisory Board will support the management of the UCL Computer Science Department with:
1.1 Advice on industry trends
1.2 External insights on current research trends and needs and requirements for graduate capability
1.3 Review of Department plans to meet these needs
1.4 Considerations on the teaching and positioning of the Department to maximise the number of employable graduates from UCL CS
1.5 Counsel on the future strategy of the Department
- The External Advisory Board will meet approximately once per annum to discuss current matters and provide strategic advice to the Department of Computer Science at UCL.
- The External Advisory Board will operate under the 'Chatham House Rule' to allow for open discussion and the sharing of information, without the identities of the speakers being recorded. Any notes or minutes of meetings will be written accordingly and will have a restricted circulation.
- Proposals for matters to be included on the agenda should be made to the Chair via the EAB Secretary
Contact details
Please contact the Departmental Manager for further information.