
UCL Computer Science


Student to Start-Up - for PhD entrepreneurs

16 September 2021, 9:30 am–4:30 pm

blurred photo of people working at a table

The Student to Start-Up event is designed to help PhD students understand the role of enterprise and how they can become entrepreneurs.

Event Information

Open to



Sharon Betts

The event will be focussing on sharing knowledge of start-ups, how to move into enterprise whilst completing a PhD, answering questions on barriers to entry and meeting with various entrepreneurs at different stages of enterprise.

This event is public and open to all and we particularly welcome those who are involved with the UKRI AI CDTs.

Our proposed schedule (subject to change) is as follows:

0930 - Welcome and Introduction

1000 - Conception X - What is a start up and how can we help?

11:00 - Breakout sessions to discuss enterprenurship opportunities at your home institution

12:00 - Capital Enterprise - Understanding visas and start up administration

13:00 - Lunch

14:00 - Digital Catapult - Introduction to the MI Garage

14:15 - Innovator presentations

15:00 - Panel session- Journey to entrepreneurship plus Q&A

16:00 - Closing remarks

This event will be held over zoom - details of which are to follow

Register for Student to Start Up