
UCL Computer Science


UCLIC Seminar: Glyphs-based Visualization, Opportunities and Challenges

13 June 2018, 3:00 pm–4:00 pm

In this talk Dr. Rita Borgo from Kings College London will be looking at successful deployment of glyph designs to visually encode rich set of information from domains such as sports visualization, literature and media.

Event Information

Open to



Aneesha Singh


Room 110
Robert's Engineering Building
Malet Place
United Kingdom


Multivariate data visualization (MDV) is a common requirement across different disciplines, from the sciences to the social sciences, from engineering to arts and humanities, and from media to industry.

In this talk I will introduce glyph-based visualization, a form of MDV featuring some unique advantages with respect to other solutions. Glyph-based visualization is a common form of visual representation, where glyphs are used to encode information graphically. In a broad interpretation, a glyph is a small visual object that can be used independently and constructively to depict attributes of a data record or the composition of a set of data records.

Crucial to glyphs effectiveness as a visual encoding is design. Well-designed glyphs can facilitate effective visual search and pattern identification, and are intuitive to learn and use. Meanwhile, constraints such as spatial resolution and prominence of features, limit the bandwidth capacities of the visual channels that can be leveraged for design purposes.

In this talk we will be looking at successful deployment of glyph designs to visually encode rich set of information from domains such as sports visualization, literature and media. We will also look at the costs of designing a full glyph set, and the demands for familiarization and memorization inherent to the deployment of this technique. Nevertheless, I will argue how their intrinsic expressive power makes glyphs a worthy candidate to address many of the challenges imposed by the need to encode large volumes of information without saturating the communication channels.

Visitors from outside UCL please email in advance.

About the Speaker

Dr. Rita Borgo

Senior Lecturer at Kings College London

Dr. Rita Borgo is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Informatics at King's College London (KCL) and currently the head of the Human Centred Computing research group. Her main research interests lie in the areas of information visualization and visual analytics with particular focus on the role of human factors in visualization. Her research has followed an ambitious program of developing new data visualization techniques for interactive rendering and manipulation of large multi-dimensional and multivariate datasets. Novel in all aspects of her research is the aim at providing solutions that involve human in the loop of intelligent reasoning while reducing the burden of inspection of large complex data. Her research has been awarded supports from Royal Society, EPSRC and EU. She is currently championing the newly created Urban Living hub at KCL and works in close collaboration with the Centre for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP) - London to increase impact of visualization within urban related challenges.