UCLIC Joint Research Seminar: Catherine Holloway and Siobhan Strike
04 June 2018, 3:00 pm–4:00 pm
In this Joint Research Seminar, Catherine Holloway will be talking about the GDI Hub and Dr Siobhán Strike will summarise the research she has conducted on the movement mechanics of different groups of people and how this may influence their ability to engage with exercise.
Event Information
Open to
- All
Aneesha Singh
Room 40566-72 Gower StreetLondonWC1E 6EAUnited Kingdom
Catherine Holloway
Talk 1: GDI Hub
http://gdihub.cs.ucl.ac.uk/gdi_hub/ and https://www.disabilityinnovation.com/
Dr Siobhán Strike
Talk 2: Exercise for health, primarily from a biomechanical perspective
The relationship between physical activity and ill-health and mortality is well established. General guidelines indicating the frequency, intensity and dose of exercise to enable health exist and there are a number of devices to encourage people to achieve these. These guidelines are based on the ability to move the whole body in order to increase the heart rate of the exerciser to evoke a physiological response which also results in a psychological benefit. Although there are guidelines for adults, children and older adults, they may not be appropriate for all people. For example, for people with an amputation the effect on the musculoskeletal system when performing dynamic activities is not considered. The reduced prosthetic motion, responsiveness and proprioception results in altered movement patterns and unequal loading of the limbs. For older people who have fallen, increased activity puts the person at a higher risk of a subsequent fall and their lack of confidence can result in their removing the risk by becoming sedentary. This talk will summarise the research we have conducted on the movement mechanics of different groups of people and how this may influence their ability to engage with exercise. Issues with data collection, analysis, reporting and presentation will also be highlighted and how the data can be used to encourage appropriate movement will be explored.
Visitors from outside UCL please email in advance.
About the Speakers
Dr Siobhán Strike
Deputy Head of the Department of Life Sciences at University of Roehampton in London.
Dr Siobhán Strike is Deputy Head of the Department of Life Sciences at the University of Roehampton in London. She is a member of the Sport and Exercise Science Research Group and leads the amputee biomechanics research team. Her primary interest is in biomechanics of motion and she has published widely and presented internationally in this field, investigating the features that influence movement to enhance performance and reduce injury for a range of populations. As enabling movement is not simply a mechanical issue related to the musculoskeletal system, she works in multidisciplinary teams to investigate the psychosocial and physiological factors that influence movement. Past projects have investigated the effect of emotion status on gait, the effect of dietary supplementation on cognition and gait and falls intervention training on physical activity levels in older people. Siobhán is currently working on research projects that investigate the biomechanical factors that influence fitness and physical activity in people with a lower limb amputation. She analyses the biomechanical adaptations required to change direction, to run and to jump. She is also interested in developing return to play criteria for athletes following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and the rehabilitation of athletic groin pain.
Catherine Holloway
Senior Lecturer at UCLIC