
UCL Computer Science


Clone of Alumni

UCL Computer Science Alumni Community

Welcome to our Alumni Community
We are very proud of our alumni and are keen to keep in touch and involve former students in our future development. In a recent survey 98% of alumni would recommend UCL Computer Science to a friend. Just by studying with us you’ve tapped into one of the most valuable and vibrant academic communities in the world, offering a wealth of expertise and opportunity. Keep in touch with us and find out what the Department can still do for you after you've graduated.  

The Alumni Online Community
All UCL alumni and students are invited to register for the UCL Alumni Online Community; Bentham Connect. It provides an exclusive networking area where you can search the directory for potential mentors, search for jobs from your alumni community and build your personal network with experienced alumni professionals all over the world. You can also join one of our active alumni groups to connect with your international community and special interest groups in the UK.

UCL Computer Science Alumni Newsletter

In September 2021, CS launched a new bi-annual newsletter, bringing you highlights from the department and details of upcoming events. We also feature an alumni in our spotlight. We want to hear from you and how you would like to engage with the department.
In order to receive the newsletter, you need to be registered as part of the UCL Alumni community. The next edition will be circulated in April. 

Screenshot of newsletter intro

UCL Computer Science needs you! Volunteer your time

Our volunteers are at the forefront of our position as one of the world’s leading universities. Your time and expertise can be used to benefit UCL, our students and staff in number of valuable ways across a variety of roles:

Make a donation
By donating to UCL Computer Science you will be joining thousands of fellow alumni and friends who are already having a collective impact on the future of UCL Gifts from alumni and friends are transforming lives through world-class research, improving UCL’s resources and buildings and giving the next generation of students the opportunity to study at UCL no matter what their circumstances.

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