Collaborative HIV and Anti-HIV Drug Resistance Network
Framework programme: 7
Contract/Grant agreement number: 223131
EC contribution (whole project): €10,000,000
Monetary Value (CCS): £98,223.00
Duration: 60 months
Funding scheme: Collaborative Project – Integrated Project
Starting date: 01/01/2009
The current European research landscape in HIV drug resistance is too fragmented to effectively contribute to the fight against spread of anti-HIV resistance. New insights into the prevalence and transmission of HIV-resistant strains in Europe in various cohort studies and the basic underlying mechanisms causing resistance and their implications for novel antiviral drugs are being developed in different networks. Structural integration of these efforts and knowledge among centres of excellence on a pan-European scale is the next crucial step. Only through a powerful pooling of knowledge, resources and tools can decisive steps against the problem of anti-HIV resistance be achieved.