
The Comprehensive Clinical Trials Unit at UCL


The Comprehensive Clinical Trials Unit at UCL OLD


The Comprehensive Clinical Trials Unit at UCL (CCTU) collaborates with researchers to design, conduct, analyse and publish clinical trials and other well-designed studies. The CCTU provides clinical, statistical and trial operations leadership. It also facilitates the delivery of high quality, regulatory compliant clinical trials of both investigational medicinal products (which must be conducted in compliance with the UK Regulations governing the conduct of clinical trials of Investigational Medicinal Products (IMP)) and other non-IMP trials and studies.

The CCTU is a registered CTU and coordinates multi-centre clinical trials (i.e. has overall responsibility for the design, development, recruitment, data management and analysis of trials) with robust systems to ensure the highest quality standards of conduct and delivery of clinical trials.

The CCTU is part of UCL's Institute of Clinical Trials and Methodology along with the Cancer Research UK & UCL Cancer Trials Centre, the MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL, and PRIMENT Clinical Trials Unit.

For enquiries please see Contact Us.

Prof Caroline Doré Inaugural Lecture

Prof Caroline Doré was appointed Professor of Clinical Trials and Statistics in 2015. Her inaugural lecture, entitled "Evolution of Research Reproducibility" was held on 3rd May 2018. 

If you missed it, you can now watch the presentation recording.

NIHR Funding

This unit receives National Institute for Health Research CTU Support Funding. This funding has been awarded to support the unit in developing and supporting NIHR trials. 


Transparency in the use of data at UCL

As a University,  UCL uses personally-identifiable information to conduct research to improve health, care and services. As a publicly-funded organisation, we have to ensure that it is in the public interest when we use personally-identifiable information from people who have agreed to take part in research.  

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