
UCL Institute of Clinical Trials and Methodology


Postgraduate research

The UCL Institute of Clinical Trials and Methodology is a centre of excellence for clinical trials, meta-analysis and epidemiological studies.

Why UCL?


  • UCL is winner of The Times and Sunday Times University of the Year 2024
  • UCL is rated 9th in the QS World Rankings 2025
  • UCL is ranked 3rd in the world for Public Health (ShanghaiRankings 2024)
  • UCL is No.1 for research power and impact in medicine, health and life sciences (REF 2021)
  • The combined strength of our four clinical trials units means The UCL Institute of Clinical Trials and Methodology has the largest group of trialists – approximately 400 - in Europe. Our institute is a centre of excellence for clinical trials, meta-analysis and epidemiological studies 
  • Our students are closely integrated into our community through research-embedded teaching

Browse our programmes 

For full programme information including modules, fees and entry requirements please visit the prospectus

Applying for graduate research study at UCL

We've made this guide to help you to apply for graduate research study at UCL.

Find your supervisior 

There are two main ways to identify an appropriate supervisor to contact. 

Option 1: view the UCL Profiles (including a biography, publications and research interests) of approved research degree supervisors from the MRC Clinical Trials Unit and the Comprehensive Clinical Trials Unit at UCL Institute for Clinical Trials and Methodology: 

List of approved research degree supervisors

Option 2: there may be approved supervisors for your proposed research who are based in different institutes or departments across UCL. You can find information about them by searching UCL Profiles. You can search by keywords to identify potential supervisors in all relevant academic units and potential supervisors. Not all academic and research staff are listed, but it is a good place to start.  You could also search for UCL research papers using the UCL online research repository (UCL Discovery).   Authors of research papers that match your research interests may well be a suitable research supervisor.

Hear from PhD alumna, Theodosia 

As a PhD student at the UCL Institute of Clinical Trials and Methodology (UCL ICTM), you are treated like any other employee. You need to obtain ownership of your research and you are supported by the best methodologists to reach your full potential. Your ideas are valued by the academic staff and during the programme you also are able to get involved supervising MSc projects. Career opportunities are countless given the fact you are in a world leading clinical trials unit that develops methods that are used both in academia and industry sectors. My methodology expertise is now highly valued in the pharmaceutical company I am currently working at.” 

Theodosia Salika, PhD alumna and currently a Statistician at AstraZeneca

Useful links

Contact us

Clinical Trials and Methodology MPhil/PhD

E: ictm.researchdegrees@ucl.ac.uk