
UCL Doctorate In Clinical Psychology



Guidelines for the Major Research Project

The following link will take you to the research guidelines in the training handbook

> Major research project guidelines

Writing the Proposal

This gives a guide to what goes in the research proposal, which is prepared in the summer of the first year.

Guidelines for writing the research proposal

Research Governance

This is a checklist of what you need to do after your research plan is finalised, before the study gets underway. It covers ethics, sponsorship, R&D registration, data protection, and health and safety risk assessment.

> Research Governance Checklist

There's also a list of Frequently Asked Questions on Research Governance.

Obtaining Funding for Research

This document explains how to access additional funds for the major research project. Contents include: Departmental support; Possible types of expenditure; Expenditure not usually funded through the Department; External funds; Examples of costings; Copy of research expenses form.

>Obtaining funding for research

Submitting the Title and Abstract

The thesis title and abstract needs to be submitted in the second term of the third year, to enable assignment of internal and external examiners.

>Submission of Thesis Title and Abstract

Literature Review

This document gives detailed guidance on the literature review.

Literature Review

Writing and Presenting the Thesis

This document gives detailed guidance on writing up and presenting each part of the thesis.

>Writing and Presenting the Thesis

Joint Theses

This document outlines the procedures for trainees who are doing a joint thesis.

>Joint theses

Extension and deferrals

What to do in the unlikely event that you will not be submitting your thesis on time.

>Extension and deferrals

Criteria for Evaluating the Thesis

This document specifies the criteria that the examiners use to evaluate the thesis

> Evaluating the thesis

The Service-Related Project

The link below takes you to the section of the training handbook on the SRP

(Note that the project has recently been renamed as the "service-related project", but the old name of "service-related research project" may still be found in course documentation.)

> Service-related project guidelines