
UCL Doctorate In Clinical Psychology


Submission of Thesis Title and Abstract

All trainees need to submit a title and abstract for their thesis in March of their third year. This information is used for the purpose of assigning internal and external examiners.

The title should be a short and snappy description of the main topic of your thesis. The title covers the thesis as a whole, but it will usually be the same as that of part 2, the empirical paper. Avoid redundancies like “an investigation of ...” (it is obvious that it’s an investigation) or “a preliminary study of ...” (no need to apologise in your title). The title can be modified before the final submission of your thesis in June.

The abstract outlines the aims and methods of your empirical study – you are obviously not expected to have any results or conclusions at this stage. (This material can be reworked later on in your final thesis submission.) The maximum length is 150 words.

Submit via Qualtrics by the specified due date.

Assignment of examiners. When all of the titles and abstracts are in, we will assign examiners to each thesis (we have a panel of about ten external examiners, each of whom examines about four theses). The assignment is based as much as possible on the expertise of the examiners, but there are some constraints, e.g. the need to spread the workload evenly amongst our set of examiners, and whether an external examiner has had previous contact with you in another context, thus compromising their independence. (If there is any reason why we should not assign you a particular examiner, please tell us right away.) Once the assignments are approved, we will let you know who your examiners will be; this usually happens by June.