Dr Mantzari invited to present research on ‘As Efficient Competitor test’ at competition law events
5 December 2022
Dr Deni Mantzari was invited to present her research on the ‘As Efficient Competitor test’ in EU Competition Law at high-level competition law events in Europe and the UK.
Dr Deni Mantzari (Associate Professor in Competition Law and Policy at UCL Laws) was invited to present her research on the ‘As Efficient Competitor test’ at the annual ‘European Competition Policy Forum’, a prestigious, by invitation-only high level event organised by the leading economic consultancy firm Compass Lexecon in October 2022 in Italy; and at Glasgow University School of Law in November 2022.
Dr Mantzari’s article on ‘Google Shopping and the As-Efficient-Competitor Test: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead’ written together with economist Professor Germain Gaudin (Professor of Economic Policy at the University of Freiburg) has been published in a special issue of the Journal of European Competition Law and Practice (OUP) dedicated to the General Court’s Google Shopping judgment following a competitive selection process. The article engages with the related principle, enshrined in the case law, whereby Article 102 TFEU is concerned with equally efficient rivals, and distinguish it from the ‘as efficient competitor’ test (which has gained notoriety in the context of the assessment of rebate schemes).
The article is published under open access licence – read ‘Google Shopping and the As-Efficient-Competitor Test: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead’.