
Centre for Law, Economics and Society


Dr Lianos speaks to All Party Parliamentary Group at the House of Lords

17 July 2012

Dr Ioannis Lianos of UCL Laws spoke on 20 March at a session organised by the All Party Parliamentary Group on the Constitution at the House of Lords on the legal implications of deeper integration in the Euro zone, following the recent signing of the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union. 

The two other contributors were David Rennie (Political editor, The Economist) and Mats Persson (Director, Open Europe) who focused on the political dimension of this new framework of economic governance in the Euro zone. 

Dr Lianos' contribution examined the legality from the point of EU law of this International agreement between the Euro zone Member States and nine other EU Member States not participating in the Euro (with the exception of Britain and the Czech republic) and the possibilities that this opens for further economic integration in Europe. He also commented on Britain's role in this process and more generally on the implications of deeper integration of the Eurozone for the future of the European project and Britain’s position in it.