
Department of Greek & Latin


Undergraduate Calendar


Key dates and deadlines for Greek and Latin students

Term 1

23 - 27 September: Induction Week

30 September: Full term (teaching) starts

14-15 October: Eid al-Adha

25 October @1pm: AWS meeting for CLAS 3901 Extended Essay. See Moodle >

3 November: Diwali (Hindu New Year)

3 Nov - 9 Dec: Reading Week

11 November: Tutorial meetings, year 1 only: download and fill out a form

23 November: CLAS 3901 Extended Essay preliminary titles to Dept. tutor

4 December @1pm: staff-student consultative committee

13 December: End of Term

Term 2

2 January: UCL reopens

13 January: Spring Term starts

20 January: Tutorial meetings, all years: download and fill out a form

22 January @5-7pm: Open Evening for students interested in continuing with an MA

25 January: CLAS 3901 Extended Essay final titles to Dept. tutor

5 February @1pm: staff-student consultative committee

11 - 13 February: Greek Play (Aristophanes Clouds), Bloomsbury Theatre

16 - 22 February: Reading Week

28 February: CLAS 3902 Year Abroad essay title to be submitted

20 March @6pm: Housman lecture and reception

Term 3

23 April: UCL reopens

28 April: Third Term starts

28 April: Tutorial meetings, all years: download and fill out a form

28 April - 2 May: revision week

28 April @5pm: deadline for submission of CLAS 3901 Extended Essay

5 May: public holiday (May Bank holiday)


30 May: Greek play elections

30 May @1-3pm: end of year party. Gordon Square Gns or Gordon House 106 (if wet)

13 June: end of term

June, tbc: Exam Results for Finalists (details tbc). In the Department, or by phone/email

Early August: Portico opens for course enrolment

1 September: deadline for submission of CLAS 3902 Year Abroad essay

TERM DATES 2012-13

  • First term:  Mon. 30 September - Fri. 13 December
  • Second term: Mon. 13 January - Fri. 28 March
  • Third term: Mon. 28 April - Fri. 13 June


  • Western churches: 20 April 2014
  • Eastern churches: 20 April 2014

TERM DATES 2014-15


  • First term: Mon. 29 September 2014 - Fri. 12 December 2014
  • Second term: Mon. 12 January 2015 - Fri. 27 March 2015
  • Third term: Mon. 27 April 2015 - Fri. 12 June 2015

Reading Weeks:  Monday 3 November 2014, and Monday 16 February 2015