
Department of Greek & Latin


MA Course Fair 2018

Degrees in Ancient History/Classics/Classical Art and Archaeology/Late Antique and Byzantine Studies

Kings College London/Royal Holloway University of London/

University College London / Institute of Classical Studies


SENATE HOUSE: Chancellor's Hall / Tuesday 25 September 2018

2.30 Introductions to London Classics:

2.30 Intercollegiate Programmes welcome: Miriam Leonard (Intercollegiate Convenor, UCL)

2.35 ICS Welcome: Greg Woolf (Director)

2.40 The Hellenic (Richella Doyle) and Roman Societies (Fiona Haarer)

2:45 ICS Library: Joanna Ashe (Librarian)

2.50 Postgraduate Work-in-Progress: Will Coles, post-gradwip@gmail.com

3.00 Advanced Study of the Classical World: Michael Squire (KCL)

3:10 Introductions to the Colleges, their MA Tutors & Administrators

(KCL) Vicky Manolopoulou & Hannah Marshall, classics@kcl.ac.uk;

(RHUL) Liz Gloyn & Sue Turnbull, sue.turnbull@rhul.ac.uk;

UCL (Ancient History & LABS) Benet Salway & Sarah Jenyon, s.jenyon@ucl.ac.uk;

UCL (Classics) Miriam Leonard & Alex Balciunas, a.balciunas@ucl.ac.uk;

(and word from a survivor) Christina Gonzalez Mestre (UCL History).

[Discussion of: whom to communicate with; MA info on college websites; how to get an email address; virtual learning (Moodle/Keats); access to libraries & other college facilities; whom to go to for student support]

3:30 - 3.50 Tea

3:50 Programme Introductions (in break out groups)

Ancient History: Hugh Bowden (room G6)

Classics: Ahuvia Kahane (Chancellor's Hall)

Classical Art and Archaeology: James Corke-Webster (room G34)

Late Antique and Byzantine Studies: Charalambos Dendrinos (room G35)

[Discussion of: core courses, subject-specific seminars & their themes]

4:10 & 4:40 Library Tours + 4:10 Module registration [each college will have a designated table, module details and registration forms, and MA Tutor & Administrator to advise]

5.30 Close