The UCL Institute of Archaeology offers a range of related modules in archaeology which can be studied as part of your MA degree. Pre-approved modules are listed below: full details of all UCL Institute of Archaeology modules can be found here
- ARCLG196 The Late Bronze Age Aegean
Half module (20 credits)
Todd Whitelaw: UCL Institute of Archaeology
Details here
- ARCLG195 The Aegean from first farmers to Minoan states
Half module (20 credits)
Todd Whitelaw: UCL Institute of Archaeology
Details here
- ARCLG202 The Mediterranean world in the Iron Age
Half module (20 credits)
Corinna Riva: UCL Institute of Archaeology
Details here
- ARCLG203 Ancient Italy in the Mediterranean
Half module (20 credits)
Corinna Riva: UCL Institute of Archaeology
Details here
- CL5182 Understanding Pompeii and Herculaneum
Prof. Amanda Claridge (RHUL)
40 credits
Meets: Mondays 2:00-4:00
In-depth study of the material remains of Pompeii and Herculaneum (and the villas at Stabiae, Oplontis and Boscoreale) and their special value - but also their limitations - as primary sources for archaeologists and cultural historians. We analyse both the general issues of preservation, excavation, and chronology, and a range of topics relating to the specific types of evidence for which the Vesuvian sites are renowned: the diversity in the size and composition of insula blocks, of individual houses, shops, bakeries, tombs, and bath-buildings, the locations, nature and significance of gardens, of wallpaintings and mosaic/marble flooring, of fountain-, dining-, bathing- and cooking-installations, of lararia, the locations, forms and functions of portrait images, of animal and mythological sculptures and paintings, and of anthropomorphic furniture and fittings. We also take advantage of the opportunities to compare town, suburb, coast and country, the private and the public, the rich and poor, on their own local terms and in the wider context of Roman Italy. Lectures will be shared with undergraduates; there will be a dedicated MA seminar each week.
* A five-day study visit to Pompeii, Herculaneum, Boscoreale, Stabiae & Naples will be run during RHUL Reading Weeks in both the Autumn and Spring Term, which MA students are welcome to join in on (optional).
Asssessment: two essays of 5000 words each, on topics defined in consultation with course teacher.
Place: Royal Holloway, Egham Campus (room tbc).
- 7AACK815 Ancient Cyprus: Colonizations, Copper and City-states
Dr Ellen Adams (KCL)
+20 credits (term 1)
Details here
- 7AACM841 Archaic and Classical Painting
Dr Will Wootton (KCL)
+20 credits
Details here (term 1)
- 7AACK805 Sacred Tales and Pilgrimage in the Graeco-Roman World
Dr Alexia Petsalis-Diomidis (KCL)
+20 credits (term 2)
Details here
- 7AACK811 Bronze Age Art of the Eastern Mediterranean
Instructor tbc
+20 credits
Details here
- 7AACM842 Hellenistic and Roman painting
Dr Will Wootton (KCL)
20 credits
Details here