
Department of Greek & Latin


Student Academic Representatives

Student Academic Representatives for research students represent the views and interests of MPhil/PhD students within the Department and Faculty. They are also a point of contact for the UCL Student Union (UCLU) and are aware of developments affecting students at all levels in the College. For current representatives please see the staff-student committee page.
If you have any worries or concerns please feel free to contact any of the student representatives, and they will be happy to help you get the help or support you need either from the Department or from the appropriate office within UCL. 

  • If you are interested in becoming a student representative please contact the Graduate Tutor
  • Join our Facebook group

Help and advice for students

If you have any kind of disability which may affect your studies you should contact the Disability Centre.  You will be assessed and, where necessary, provisions will be made to help with your studies.  This can include accommodation, teaching and exams.