
Department of Greek & Latin


Theophrastus - Commentaries

Update on 5.5.2010: For any enquiries about the Theophrastus Project, please visit http://www.sfu.ca/personal/dmirhady/dcm.html or contact David Mirhady.

These pages are maintained by the Department of Greek and Latin, UCL, as part of R. W. Sharples' and the Department's contribution to Project Theophrastus, an international collaborative undertaking initiated by Professor William W. Fortenbaugh of the Department of Classics at Rutgers University, New Jersey, in 1979.

Theophrastus fragments commentary volumes

In preparation, unless otherwise indicated: dates in brackets are anticipated and provisional dates of publication. Each volume includes contributions on the Arabic material by Dimitri Gutas.

  • 1. Life and Writings. M. Sollenberger (tba).
  • 2. Logic. P.M. Huby. (tba)
  • 3.1. Sources on Physics. R.W. Sharples, 1998.
  • 3.2. Physical Doxography, Metaphysics, Theology, Mathematics. J.N.M. Baltussen and P.M. Huby. (tba)
  • Psychology. P.M. Huby, 1999.
  • Sources on Biology. R.W. Sharples, 1995.
  • Ethics, Religion. W.W. Fortenbaugh. (tba)

          o Cf. also: Quellen zur Ethik Theophrasts, Texte und Kommentar, W.W. Fortenbaugh, Amsterdam: John Benjamins (= B.R. Grüner), 1984

  • Politics. D. Mirhady. (tba)
  • Rhetoric, Poetics. W.W. Fortenbaugh, 2005.
  • Music, Miscellaneous, indices. (tba).