
Department of Greek & Latin


Visiting Us

Visits, Opens Days, Talks...

There are a number of UCL open days throughout the year: the main UCL open day is in July, when you can find out a great deal of information not just about the Department and our degree programmes, but also about UCL as a whole; UCL is also involved in the University of London open days in September, along with other London-based institutions - there are usually some talks by members of the Classics department, and opportunities to talk to the Admissions Tutor.

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Throughout the year, UCL provides tours of the campus given by current UCL students; and you are always welcome to come along to UCL and try the Self-Guided Tour: please see above. The department also participates in the University of London Taster Courses, which give you a taste of what student life might be like (from an academic point of view). The Department holds one open day per year to all students who receive conditional offers from us. If you are very keen to visit the department or talk to someone about studying the Classical World at UCL, do get in touch with the admissions tutor, Dr Jenny Bryan. It may be possible to arrange something if you are not able to make any of the open days listed above.

All members of the department regularly give school talks, so if you would like to get someone from UCL to talk at your school, please get in touch!