
Department of Greek & Latin


Herwig Maehler, FBA

Herwig Maehler

Emeritus Professor of Papyrology

Email: hgt.maehler@virgin.net
Address: Zeltgasse 6/12, A-1080 Wien Tel. +431-408 3499
Research interests: Literary and documentary papyri; Ptolemaic Egypt; Homer; Greek lyric.

From 1979 until 2000 Professor Herwig Maehler was Reader and then Professor of Papyrology at the Department of Greek and Latin. He has been an Honorary Member of UCL since 2000 - as well as being a Corresponding Member of the German Archaeological Institute (since 1979), a Member of the Academia Nazionale dei Lincei in Rome (since 2001) and an Honorary Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest (since 2007). He has received honorary PhDs from the Universities of Helsinki (2000), ELTE Budapest (2001) and Rome II "Tor Vergata" (2003). He now lives in Austria.

Some Recent Publications:


  • The Vienna Epigrams Papyrus (G 40611) (with P.J. Parsons & F. Maltomini), VIII + 140 pp., 11 plates (CPR XXXIII), Berlin 2015
  • The Vienna Epigrams Papyrus (G 40611) (with P.J. Parsons & F. Maltomini), VIII + 140 pp., 11 plates (CPR XXXIII), Berlin 2015


  • ῾Demosthenes-Kommentare auf Papyrus᾿ , in: J. Grusková & H. Bannert (eds.), Demosthenica libris manu scriptis tradita, Wien 2014, 53-72


  • ῾Eine zweisprachige Weihinschrift aus Elephantine᾿ (with H. J. Thissen), MDAIK 66 (2012) 175-177
  • ῾Die Zukunft der griechischen Papyrologie᾿, in: P.Schubert (ed.), Actes du 26e Congrès international de Papyrologie, Genève 2012, 451-7
  • ῾Choral lyric poetry and the symbols of power᾿, in: M. Castiglione & A. Poggio (eds.), Arte e Potere: Forme artistiche, istituzioni, paradigmi interpretativi, Milano 2012, 185-93


  • The Oxyrhynchus Papyri vol. lxxv (with C. E. Römer & R. Hatzilambrou), xii + 164 pp.,, 12 plates, London 2010


  • , 357-63 ῾A boundary inscription from Roman Cyrenaica' (with A.F. Elmayer), ZPE 164 


  • Hellenistic Bookhands (with G. Cavallo), xvii + 153 pp., Berlin-New York 2008'
  • ῾Homer und Hephaistos in einem Berliner Papyrus᾿, APF 55


  • William Matt Brashear, in: M. Capasso (ed.), Hermae, Scholars and Scholarship in Papyrology, Pisa 2007, 359-362
  • Flüchtlinge und Mönche: Ein griechischer Papyrusbrief aus früharabischer Zeit, in: A.J.B.Sirks & K.A.Worp (eds.), Papyri in Memory of P. J. Sijpesteijn (American Studies in Papyrology 40) 168-171 + Taf. 28 [= P.Sijp. 25]
  • Das Thukydides-Hypomnema P.Oxy. 853 und die Scholien, Proceedings of the XXIV International Congress of Papyrology, Helsinki 2007, 587-593.
  • Lexicon in Apollonii Rhodii Argonautica ed. F.Reich, curavit et emendavit H.M., (A.M.Hakkert - Amsterdam) Fasc. 5, pp. 329-408


  • Bacchylides, in: Commentaria et lexica graeca in papyris reperta I 1,4, München-Leipzig 2006, 273-301.
  • Lexicon in Apollonii Rhodii Argonautica ed. F.Reich, curavit et emendavit H.M., (A.M.Hakkert - Amsterdam) Fasc. 4, pp. 247-328


  • Urkunden aus Hermupolis (Ägyptische Urkunden aus den Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin, Griechische Urkunden Bd. 19 = BGU XIX), XVI + 201 S. und 42 Tafeln.
  • Greek, Egyptian, and Roman Law, Journal of Juristic Papyrology 35 (2005) 121-140.


  • Bacchylides: A selection , XI + 279 pp., Cambridge 2004 (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics).
  • Elogio del cavallo nel POxy 4647, in: Seminari Romani 5, 2002[2004], 239-253.
  • Alexandria, the Museion, and Cultural Identity, in: A.Hirst & M.Silk, Alexandria, real and imagined, London 2004, 1-14.
  • Libri cultura educazione nell'Egitto tardo-antico, in: Seminari Romani 6, 2003 [2004], 71-85.


  • Rez. Raffaella Cribiore: Writing, teachers, and students in Graeco-Roman Egypt, Gnomon 75, 2003, 229-235.
  • Roman Poets on Egypt, in: R.Matthews and C.Römer (eds.), Ancient Perspectives on Egypt (London 2003) 203-215.
  • Bacchylides (11. Aufl., Bibliotheca Teubneriana), München-Leipzig 2003
  • Alessandria, il Museo, e la questione dell'identità culturale (Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rendiconti Morali ser.9, vol. XIV, Roma) 99-120.
  • Ptolemaic Queens with a triple uraeus, Chronique d'Égypte 78, 2003, 294-303.
  • The Oxyrhynchus Papyri LXVIII 47-51 Nr. 4647 + Taf. V: Enkomion on a Horse.


  • Bakchylides and the Polyzalos inscription, ZPE 139, 2002, 19-21.


  • Premessa alla riscoperta della poesia di Solone, in: Maria Noussia, Solone: Frammenti dell'opera poetica, Milano 2001 (Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli), 5-12.
  • Eine zweisprachige Wörterliste, in Atti del XXII o Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia, Firenze 2001, 849-854.
  • Remarks on some sculptures in Alexandria, in: BSAA 46, 2001 (Alexandrian Studies II in honour of Mostafa el Abbadi), 155-167.
  • Teocrito in Egitto, in: C.Basile & A.Di Natale (eds.), La Sicilia antica nei rapporti con l'Egitto, Siracusa 2001, 95-104.
  • Rez. Richard Seider: Paläographie der griechischen Papyri III,1, Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen 253, 2001, 40-60.


  • Bakchylides, Orpheus und ein liebestoller Kentaur, in: A.Bagordo & B.Zimmermann (Hrsg.), Bakchylides 100 Jahre nach seiner Wiederentdeckung (Zetemata 106) 193-203 & Abb. 1 - 4
  • Bemerkungen zum Gebrauch des Satz-Asyndetons bei Bakchylides und Pindar, in Poesia e religione in Grecia: Studi in onore di G.A.Privitera, 421-430.
  • Von Bibliotheken, Papyri und den Texten griechischer Klassiker, in Scrinium Berolinense:Festschrift T.Brandis, Berlin 2000), 161-172.
  • Abrechnung über Kornverteilung an die Bettler, in H.Melaerts (Hrsg.), Papyri in honorem J.Bingen octagenarii, Nr.127, 521-22 & pl.78
  • L'évolution matérielle de l'hypomnéma jusqu'à la Basse Époque: le cas du P.Oxy.856 (Aristophane) et P.Würzb.1 (Euripide), in: Marie-Odile Goulet-Cazé, Le commentaire entre tradition et inovation (Actes duColloque international de l'Institut des traditions textuelles, Paris et Villejuif, 22-25 septembre 1999) 29-36
  • Io auf der Bühne: Bemerkungen zum Aufführungsdatum des 'Gefesselten Prometheus', Acta Antiqua Hungarica 40, 2000, 321-29.


  • Bacchylides, Orpheus, and a Lovesick Centaur, in: One Hundred Years of Bacchylides, Proceedings of a Colloquium held at the VU Amsterdam, edited by I.L.Pfeijffer and S.R.Slings, Amsterdam 1999, 77-85.
  • The Singer in the Odyssey, in Irene J.F. de Jong, Homer: Critical Assessment (London 1999) IV 6-20


  • Dal libro alla critica del testo, in: G.Cavallo & al., Scrivere libri e documenti nel mondo antico (Papyrologica Florentina 30, 1998) 13-23
  • Bemerkungen zu Bakchylides' "Antenoriden"-Dithyrambus (15), in: Dissertatiunculae criticae, Festschrift für Günther Christian Hansen, Würzburg 1998, 109-121.
  • Élites urbaines et production littéraire en Égypte romaine et byzantine, Gaia 3, 81-95.