UCL: 11-13 April 2013
This international and interdisciplinary conference aims to explore differences and convergences between Greek lyric and tragedy, with the further intention of showing the benefits of a cross-generic dialogue more broadly and offering new models of interpretation that may also apply to other poetic genres.
The programme offers a variety of papers by international experts in the fields of both lyric poetry and Greek drama from the UK, the USA, and continental Europe. The papers range from discussions of the context of this generic interaction (ritual context, historical, social and political background), to analyses of the interaction between lyric and tragedy (imagery, music, linguistic and textual features), and presentations on traditional and new academic approaches to the theme of generic interaction (reception theory, cognitive approaches, intertextuality, and allusion).
Invited speakers and chairs include:
Lucia Athanassaki (Rethymno)
Luigi Battezzato (Vercelli)
Ewen Bowie (Oxford)
Douglas Cairns (Edinburgh)
Ettore Cingano (Venice)
Patrick Finglass (Nottingham)
Martin Hose (Munich)
Gregory Hutchinson (Oxford)
André Lardinois (Nijmegen)
Ana Pektovic (Belgrade)
Timothy Power (Rutgers)
Lucia Prauscello (Cambridge)
Richard Rawles (Nottingham)
Ian Rutherford (Reading)
Ruth Scodel (Michigan)
Laura Swift (OU/Berlin)
Conference proceedings: Paths of Song: The Lyric Dimension of Greek Tragedy (eds. Rosa Andújar , Thomas R. P. Coward and Theodora A. Hadjimichael), De Gruyter 2018.
Conference organisers:
• Michael Carroll (Cambridge)
• Thomas Coward (KCL)
• Theodora Hadjimichael (UCL/OU Cyprus/LMU Munich)
The event is sponsored by the A.G. Leventis Foundation (UCL Leventis Fund), KCL Classics, the Institute of Classical Studies, the Faculty Institute of Graduate Studies at UCL, and the Gilbert Murray Trust.