
UCL Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering


Creating better places for people and mobility

1 May 2018

​Nik Tyler and Peter Jones speak at CIHT Transport, Cities and Places lecture

Professor Peter Jones giving a presentation on the future of transport

The Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT) with UCL held a well-attended lecture at the Gustave Tuck Theatre in April. Nik Tyler, Professor of Civil Engineering and Peter Jones, Professor of Transport and Sustainable Development were among the panel of international experts explaining how we can put people at the heart of creating better towns.

The event encouraged an exchange of ideas between highway engineers, architects, planners and members of the public. It also explored how ideas from one discipline can inform and educate other disciplines.

You can watch the four presentations

Making cities for people
Henriette Vamberg, Partner, Managing Director DK, Gehl

People and their interactions with the environment
Nick Tyler, Professor of Civil Engineering

Future mobility in cities
Peter Jones, Professor of Transport and Sustainable UCL

Creating better places
Andreas Markides, President, Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation


Short interviews with the speakers and Justin Ward, Senior Policy Officer, CIHT

David Ogden
Chair of panel debate

Andreas Markides

Henriette Vamberg

Professor Peter Jones

Professor Nick Tyler