
UCL Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering


UCL Undergraduate Civil Engineering - Offer Holder Webinar, 16/4/20

16 April 2020, 11:00 am–12:00 pm

A female student standing by the fluid lab tank.

Join our Undergraduate Admissions Tutor Dr Manni Bhatti, our Programme Director Dr Tristan Robinson, UCL Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering Head of Department Prof Jose Torero Cullen, and current students Matthias and Bassel in this special offer holders' webinar, to discuss UCL's Civil Engineering BEng and MEng. UCL is ranked 8th in the QS World University Rankings 2020, and in the Top 50 worldwide for civil and structural engineering (QS Subject Rankings 2020).

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to

Invitation Only




UCL Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering


Webinar Chatroom
Chadwick Building
Gower Street
United Kingdom

Offer holders can find out more about our Civil Engineering BEng and MEng programmes in this hour-long webinar. After a short presentation, and the chance to hear from our Head of Department, Prof Torero, plus some of our current students, offer holders will get the chance to ask about programme preparation, module content, accreditation, research and career possibilities, and more. Join us at 11am London time on Thursday 16 April 2020. Log in to the webinar on the day from your phone, laptop or tablet; just remember to have your questions ready! 

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UCL uses a third party (Zoom) to administer our webinars/virtual open days and manage your personal information on our behalf. By entering your details via the booking link that has been emailed to you, you confirm you are happy for us to process your data solely for this purpose. Find out more by reading UCL's Prospective Student Privacy Notice.

Useful links 

About the Speakers

Dr Manni Bhatti

Senior Teaching Fellow at UCL

Dr Bhatti is UCL Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering's Undergraduate and Postgraduate Admissions Tutor. 

More about Dr Manni Bhatti

Dr Tristan Robinson

Senior Teaching Fellow, Undergraduate Programme Director at UCL

Tristan Robinson
Dr Robinson is the programme director for both Engineering (Civil) BEng and MEng. His research interests lie in the fields of gravity currents, tsunami and natural ventilation.  More about Dr Tristan Robinson

Prof José L. Torero

Head of UCL Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering at UCL

Prof Jose L. Torero
CEGE's Head of Department since December 2018, Professor José L. Torero works in many aspects of fire safety engineering, remediation and sanitation. More about Prof José L. Torero