
International Centre for Chinese Heritage and Archaeology


Origin of Rice: A Conversation with Archaeobotanist Prof Dorian Fuller

14 November 2013

The 7th International Rice Genetics Symposium (RG7) was held between 5 and 8 November 2013 in Manila, Philippines.

Organized by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), the event is one of the world's largest and most important rice research symposium. It provides an excellent learning and networking platform for rice researchers, experts and representatives from the public and private sectors to come together to share their expertise on issues of rice production. Professor Dorian Fuller has presented his current archaeological research on "the origins and spread of rice in Asia" to a packed auditorium the first morning of the conference. He also had the opportunity to take part in an IRRI radio podcast on the "Origin of Rice". To listen this wonderful conversation, please go here