08 Dec 2011 Dr Liu Xinyi China Night Lecture
15 November 2011
Date: 5:30pm Thursday 08 December 2011 Venue: 612, Institute of Archaeology, UCL Speaker: Dr Liu, Xinyi Research Fellow, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge University Topic: Food globalisation in prehistory: new approaches to Chinese prehistory Abstract: Each of today's major food species is distributed worldwide.
Dr Liu, Xinyi is the Research Fellow of the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge. His research interest lies in understanding agriculture in Prehistory, including three aspects: the beginning of farming practices in northern Eurasia, in particular, early cultivation of Panicum miliaceum and Setaria italica; the nature of the Neolithic in relation to food production and consumption; and the cross-continental movements of starchy crops in the late Neolithic and early Bronze Age. These questions have led me to undertake fieldwork in Central Asia and the Mongolian Plateau.
After recently
completed PhD at Cambridge, his
current research uses macrofossil and stable isotope analyses to reconstruct
human subsistence at late Neolithic and early Bronze Age sites in Central Asia. This is part of a 5 years ERC funded
project, based at the McDonald Institute, which investigates the long-distance
spread of agriculture in the third and second millennium BC. Fieldwork will be
conducted mainly in Kazakhstan
and West China.