Mini-Course on Applied-Health-Creative Humanities
16 November 2021
Free mini-course aimed at postgraduate students and academics in Arts & Humanities and Social & Historical Sciences. Run by UCL with the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Delivered through five 90-minute English-medium webinars between 16 November and 9 December 2021.

Register on Eventbrite:
People attending at least 80% sessions in the Zoom Room and presenting their practice will receive a Certificate of Attendance.
Course outline
16 November 2021: 18:00-19:30pm (UK time)
Webinar 1 – Professor Maurice Biriotti
'Introductory webinar on the course: Applied-Health-Creative Humanities'
Question: What do we mean by Applied Humanities?
18 November 2021: 15.00-16.30 pm (UK time)
Webinar 2 – Professor Sonu Shamdasani
'Webinar on Health Humanities I'
Question: How do we research the current mental health crisis?
23 November 2021: 15.00-16.30 pm (UK time)
Webinar 3 – Professor James Wilson,
'Webinar on Health Humanities II'
Question: How do we research public health?
25 November 2021, 17.00-18.30pm (UK time)
Webinar 4 – Professor Maurice Biriotti,
'Designing Your Practice-based Applied Humanities Task or Research Project'
Objective: Find out how to design your practice-based task
9 December 2021: 17:00-18.30pm (UK time)
Webinar 5 – Professor Maurice Biriotti,
'Presentation of the Practice-based Applied Humanities Tasks or Research Projects'
Objective: Present your practice-based task to the group