Chinese film evening, 24/01/2017: East Palace, West Palace 东宫西宫 (1996).
23 January 2017
East Palace, West Palace aka Behind the Forbidden City, by controversial independent director Zhang Yuan 张元, was the first Chinese feature film to deal overtly with gay life in the PRC.

Time: Tuesday 24 January, 6.30pm
Place: IAS Seminar Room 11, First Floor, South Wing, Wilkins Building
As usual, admission is by free ticket, available from:
Tony Rayns writes: Time Out |
The screening will be followed by a discussion on homosexuality and different sexualities in contemporary China and Taiwan.
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This event is part of Chinese Film and the Body (2016-2017), a series of workshops exploring social and cultural issues related to health, medicine and the body in 20th and 21st century China, as represented in Chinese cinema.
- The film evenings take place on Tuesdays during term-time, from 15th November 2016 to 7th February 2017.
- Each screening is presented by a specialist and followed by a discussion and/or a live video Q&A session with the director.
- You can find further details of the films and suggestions for background reading here:
- The films are core viewing for the UCL CHH MA module in Chinese Film and the Body.
- Admission is open to all members of UCL as well as registered Friends of the UCL China Centre for Health and Humanity. To register and join our Events mailing list, please follow this link.