Confirmed speakers at the China and Covid-19 debate
Prof. Michael HEINRICH (UCL, Pharmacy)
Michael Heinrich is Professor of Ethnopharmacology and Medicinal Plant Research (Pharmacognosy) and was previously the head of the research cluster ‘Biodiversity and Medicines’ at the UCL School of Pharmacy. He currently serves as the joint Chair of UCL’s Research Ethics Committee (with Dr L. Ang, Institute of Education).
Prof. Therese HESKETH (UCL, IGH)
Therese Hesketh is a Professor of Global and Child Health in UCL's IGH/ICH. She also holds a professorship at Zhejiang University. She has published widely on numerous subjects in the public health of China.
Prof. Dame Anne JOHNSON (UCL, IGH)
Dame Anne Johnson is Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at UCL and Co-Director of UCL Health of the Public. Since 2011 she has been chair of the UCL Population and Lifelong Health Domain and she was Vice-Dean for External and International Relations from 2015 to 2018. From 2007 to 2014 she was Co-Director, UCL Institute for Global Health
Luis Fernando Bernardi JUNQUEIRA 林友樂
Luis Fernando Bernardi Junqueira earned his master’s degree in Chinese History at Fudan University and is currently a PhD candidate in History at UCL. Sponsored by the Wellcome Trust, his research explores the impact of transnational spiritualism and psychical research on China’s healthcare market during the first half of the twentieth century.
Prof. Vivienne LO 羅維前 (UCL, History)
Vivienne Lo is Professor of Chinese History and Director of the China Centre for Health and Humanity (CCHH).at UCL. She is well published in the history of medicine in China with a particular interest in visual culture and the cross-cultural transmission of technical knowledge.
Lu Gram is a Sir Henry Wellcome postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Institute for Global Health at UCL. He is co-founder of the End the Virus of Racism campaign and is contributor to a Lancet series on Racism, Xenophobia and Health. He has published work on community empowerment, collective action, and societal power dynamics.
Prof. Nicola MILLER (UCL, IAS)
Nicola Miller joined UCL in 1990. She became Professor of Latin American History in 2007 and is currently Director of UCL’s IAS. Her research is focused on the intellectual, cultural, political and international history of the Americas, in comparative and transnational perspectives; and on nationalism and national identity, especially in the Americas. Her recent research has been on the history and politics of knowledge.
Amy PHUNG (besea.n)
Amy Phung is co-founder of besea.n, Britain’s East and South East Asian Network, which aims to address under- and misrepresentation of East and South-East Asians in UK media, as well as spotlighting prominent ESEAs. She uses her work as a graphic designer and illustrator to highlight issues faced by ESEAs and works closely with creatives in the community in her advocacy work.
Prof. Volker SCHEID (University of Westminster)
Volker Scheid is a Visiting Professor in the School of Humanities, University of Westminster, where he was previously Director of EASTmedicine (East Asian Science and Traditions in Medicine). He is an experienced clinician and renowned academic researcher with a long-standing interest in finding ways of thinking about the historical development of Chinese medicine that transcend the tired frameworks of modernity.
Prof. SUN Ji Ming (Zhejiang Province, Centre for Disease Control)
Profile coming shortly.
Hau-Yu TAM 譚巧瑜 (SOAS)
Hau-Yu Tam is a community organiser and graduate student in International Studies & Diplomacy.
Dr WANG Xinyuan 王心遠 (UCL, Anthropology)
Xinyuan Wang is a postdoctoral researcher in UCL Anthropology where she received her PhD and MSc degrees. She worked on the 'Why We Post' global social media impact study. She is co-author and translator of the Chinese version of Digital Anthropology (Horst and Miller eds., 2013). Her most recent books are How the World Changed Social Media (co-author, UCL Press, 2016), and Social Media in Industrial China (UCL Press, 2016).
Karlie WU 胡嘉瑤
Karlie Wu is an artist exploring what it means to be British/Scottish-Chinese, its expectations and misconceptions, and the reality of this lived experience. Wu is also one of the six founding members of besea.n (Britain’s East and South East Asian Network), a non-profit, anti-racism grassroots organisation that tackles negative stereotypes and advocates positive media representation of ESEA people in the UK.
YANG Yi 楊頤 (UCL, History)
Yang Yi is currently a PhD candidate in History at UCL, working on a cross-cultural oral history of Five Element Acupuncture between Britain and China from the 1970s onward. She was previously a researcher and practitioner of Chinese medicine and acupuncture in Capital Medical University (Beijing) where she received her MSc and PhD degrees in Medical Science of Internal Medicine.
Dr ZHOU Xun 周遜 (Essex University)
Zhou Xun is Reader of Modern History at the University of Essex. She is one of Europe’s most productive historians, media researchers and analysts specialising in modern China. She has also an outstanding track record in transcultural/global studies. The most recent of her many publications, The People’s Health, will be launched at this event.
End the Virus of Racism campaign
Dedicated to addressing racism towards people of East and Southeast Asian heritage in the UK.