Responsive Facility: What do young people with multiple long-term conditions and carers of children with complex care needs regard as important areas of research? (May 2019 – December 2019)
Dr Erin Walker and Professor Stuart Logan
Children, young people, parent and public involvement (CYPPPI)
CPRU worked with NIHR Applied Research Collaboration South West Peninsula to find out what young people with multiple long-term conditions and carers of children with complex care needs regard as important areas of research into multimorbidty. What are the key issues and questions that are important to them for future research in this area?
The report authors, Dr Erin Walker and Professor Stuart Logan, met with children, young people and carers to understand the issues and questions relating to their experiences of complex care needs and multiple long term conditions that are important to them.
These involvement activities were part of a wider set of workshops seeking the views of working-age adults, and older people with multiple long-term conditions.