Past Recording 2023

January - Body dysmorphia and body representation in young people
Speakers: Dr Georgina Krebs, UCL PALS, Amy Harrison, UCL Psychology and Human Development, Avella and Kelly Boone, experts by experience.

February - Disruptive Behaviour Disorders: The Poor Cousin of CYP MH Research
Speakers: Prof Essi Viding, UCL PALS, Prof Argyris Stringaris, UCL Psychiatry.

April - Connecting human and animal research to improve diagnosis and care
Speakers: Dr Katharina Schmack, Francis Crick Institute & UCL Division of Psychiatry, Professor Tara Keck, UCL Research Department of Neuroscience, Physiology and Pharmacology

May - Addressing inequalities in children and young people’s mental health
Speakers: Dr Jen Dykxhoorn, UCL Psychiatry, Dr Jeanne Wolstencroft, Research Fellow, UCL Great Ormond Street ICH, and Reena Anand, solicitor and former ombudsman.

June - Autism, neurodiversity, and mental health
Speakers: Dr Jeanne Wolstencroft, Research Fellow, UCL Great Ormond Street ICH; Prof Will Mandy, Prof of Neurodevelopmental Conditions, UCL; Jack Welch, autistic advocate, Dorset County Hospital.

October - What makes for good co-production in CYP MH research
Speakers: Rochelle Burgess, Associate Professor in Global Health; Malik Gul, Director of the Wandsworth Community Empowerment Network

November - The interface between physical and mental health in CYP
Speakers: Sarah Garfinkel, Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience; Dr Sophie Bennett, Honorary Associate Professor, UCL GOS Institute of Child Health.

December - Active ingredients in intervention research
Speakers: Catherine Harmer, Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Oxford; Dr Georgina Krebs, Associate Professor of Young People’s Mental Health and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, UCL