Catalyst Seminar Series in Children and Young People’s Mental Health Launch
03 February 2021, 1:00 pm–2:30 pm

This event is the launch of the Catalyst Seminar Series in Children and Young People’s Mental Health.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
Maya Sapir
Children and young people’s mental health is an area of considerable societal need and has been the focus of a number of recent research council and charity funding initiatives, it is also one of the UCL Mental Health Research Strategy priority areas. UCL has substantial research strengths, across multiple domains, that can and should be at the forefront of leading innovative, cross-disciplinary work in this area.
The UCL Catalyst seminar series is intended to spark fresh thinking and debate, featuring cutting-edge UCL research relevant for children and young people’s mental health and facilitating new connections between scientists working in different disciplines.
The first event focuses on the impact of early adversity on mental health vulnerability and features investigators from three different disciplines. Each will give a short talk of their research and will consider how their work would benefit from connecting with scientists from other disciplines. The talks will be followed by a panel discussion and questions.
Speakers: (more details on the speakers can be found at the bottom)
- Dr Rebecca Lacey, Lecturer in Quantitative Methods & Life Course Epidemiology - 'Early life adversities and trajectories of internalising, externalising and prosocial behaviours'
- Dr Andrew Macaskill, Wellcome Trust Sir Henry Dale Fellow in Neuroscience, Physiology & Pharmacology
- Professor Eamon Mccrory, Professor of Developmental Neuroscience and Psychopathology - 'Brain adaptation, adversity and mental health vulnerability: Why a social transactional approach matters'
The event will be opened by Professor Alan Thompson, Dean of the Faculty of Brain Sciences and Professor Anthony David, the Director of UCL’s Institute of Mental Health and chaired by Professor Essi Viding, Chair of the UCL’s Children and Young People’s Mental Health Strategy Implementation Working Group.
***Registration is essential to receive the joining instructions. These will be sent 1-2 days before the event***
If you have any questions about the event please contact Maya Sapir (