Module Lead: Dr Linda Chigaru
Core all pathways - 15 credits
To develop students' knowledge and skills related to the critically ill child, particularly in
- Recognition of the most important factors/concerns
- Stabilisation in preparation for transport
- Issues that may arise during transport, and how to deal with them
Students' will also critically review literature and latest advancements in the field, and present this in a poster with an oral session
The course is designed to be of relevance to general paediatricans, paediatric critical care specialists, anaesthetists and allied health professionals who have an interest in the assessment, resuscitation, stabilisation and transport of the critically ill child. The course will use a variety of learning modalities to develop the necessary knowledge and skills to feel more confident in the stabilisation and transport of the critically ill child.
Method of assessment
Students will need to create a poster on a topic relating to transport of critically-ill children and including an up-to-date literature review.
There will be an oral presentation of the topic to examiners and student group.