
UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health


Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health


Module information

Module information for Paediatrics and Child Health: Community Child Health (CCH)

Master's of Science (MSc)

Core modules

Core modules for all five pathways are:

Route-specific core modules

In addition to the above core modules students are required to do the Epidemiology for Child Health module (CHLD0058)

Optional modules

MSc students also take four optional modules. For a list of optional modules, visit the full module list on the main page.

PG Dip

Core modules

Students are required to take Evidence-based Child Health (CHLD0083), Applied Statistics for Health Research 1 (CHLD0064) and Epidemiology for Child Health (CHLD0058).

The Research Project (CHLD0063) is not required for the postgraduate diploma, but we do hope that all of our students have the enthusiasm and develop the skills to begin their own projects as a result of the degree.

Optional modules

PG Dip students also take five optional modules. For a list of optional modules, visit the full module list on the main page.

PG Cert

Core modules

Students are required to take Evidence-based Child Health (CHLD0083), Applied Statistics for Health Research 1 (CHLD0064) and Epidemiology for Child Health (CHLD0058).

The Research Project (CHLDGP99) is not required for the postgraduate certificate.

Optional modules

PG Cert students must also take one optional module. For a list of optional modules, visit the full module list on the main page.