We are pleased to announce three summer studentship schemes for 2023:
- Child Health Research Summer Vacation Studentship Scheme
- In2research Placement Programme
- Health Data Science Black Internship Programme
- How to Apply
Please note that the eligibility criteria, funding, application deadlines/process and internship periods for each scheme is different so please read the detials for each scheme carefully before submitting your research proposal. Project submissions should be made using the relevant Research Proposal Form (see 'How to Apply'). Research proposal applications require the approval of the Section Head.
In all three schemes, there will be more projects than available students and not all supervisors who submit a project will be matched with a student.
Child Health Research Summer Vacation Student Scheme
The Trustees of the CHR CIO have once again agreed to fund the Child Health Research (CHR) Summer Vacation Student Scheme. Between 6-7 summer studentships in total will be available this year for undergraduate students studying science or medicine for a period of up to eight weeks.
These are not clinical placements and it is not possible to fund the costs of overseas visits. The projects must be based entirely at the Institute (remote working may be possible for some projects). Preference will be given to applicants who do not yet have any research experience and would therefore particularly benefit from working on a summer project.
The CHR summer studentships will be advertised on the ICH website, within UCL, and other universities in the UK.
A brief report on the progress of the student's work is required at the end of the Studentship. We have received excellent feedback from previous summer students which were very productive. Reports can be viewed on the UCL GOS ICH website.
- Eligibility Criteria
Students must be:
- studying a scientific subject relative to the aims of the UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, and be able to express an interest to study for a PhD in the future
- in their penultimate or final year of undergraduate study (and ready to apply for the PhD studentships immediately after their summer studentship to start in the following Autumn)
- undertaking their undergraduate degree in the UK
In addition:
- Applicants with no or little previous research experience will be given priority as it is felt that these students will benefit the most from this opportunity. The duration of previous research experience must be less than 4 weeks.
- Applicants must be on track to obtain a minimum of a 2.1 for their undergraduate degree, or have at least one A at A-level and be on track for a First in their undergraduate degree (i.e. on an upward trajectory).
If Sections are aware of any students who they would like to put forward, these students should be asked to apply via the central process and directed to the CHR Summer Studentship webpage.
Project & Supervisory requirements:
- Projects require two supervisors. These summer studentships are a good opportunity to add to your teaching and research output. We encourage postdocs and senior PhD students to get involved in helping to supervise these summer students. This will give them valuable teaching experience and boost their CVs. For postdocs, it will help in applications to become a PhD supervisor.
- On the summer project application form you will notice space for a Primary and Secondary supervisor. We would encourage applications to involve both, and where appropriate postdocs can be lead supervisors.
- Funding
Students will receive a stipend equivalent to £436.18 per week (at London Living Wage hourly rate)
Supervisors will be given a consumables budget of £500 as a contribution towards the running costs of the summer project.
- Timetable for Recuitment & Selection of Students
By 16th January 2023 Summer studentships to be advertised on the ICH website, within UCL, other Schools and Colleges of the University of London and other Russell Group universities in the UK. Monday 13th February 2023 Project proposals received from Supervisor applicants (with Section Head approval) via GOS ICH MS Form Monday 20th February 2023 Closing date for student applications. Monday 13th March 2023 (1) Applications from undergraduate students to be shortlisted by the GOS ICH Summer Placement Selection Panel.
(2) Project submissions to be considered and selected by the GOS ICH Summer Placement Selection Panel.
(3) Applications from shortlisted undergraduate students to be forwarded on to successful supervisory applicants whose project has been selected by the GOS ICH Summer Placement Selection Panel.Monday 27th March 2023 Deadline for nomination of student by Supervisor. 10th April 2023 Confirmation of award of summer studentship sent to Supervisor. Supervisor invited to communicate with student to discuss and agree start/end dates of the placement. April date to be confirmed - RDO to issue summer studentship offer letter to successful student.
- Once student has accepted, RDO to arrange contracts of employment.
Between June-August or July-Sept 2023 Student to undertake 8-week summer placement.
In2research Placement Programme
In2research is a new programme developed by In2scienceUK that aims to help people from low-income and disadvantaged backgrounds access PhDs and research careers through a year of development opportunities. For further information on this scheme, please see the In2research website.
These are not clinical placements and it is not possible to fund the costs of overseas visits. The projects must be based entirely at the Institute (remote working may be possible for some projects).
A brief report on the progress of the student's work is required at the end of the placement.
The In2research programme team are running Placement Host Information Sessions for interested staff on:
- 12.30-1pm, Monday 23 January
- 12.30-1pm, Tuesday 24 January
Please sign up here to attend or email questions to research@in2scienceuk.org
- Eligibility Criteria
Students must be:
- be a British resident, have refugee status or indefinite leave to remain
- currently studying a STEM undergraduate degree or already have an undergraduate degree in STEM
- be able to work full-time in a research placement in London for an 8-week period between June and August
In addition, students must meet one or more of the following criteria:
- parents or carers who did not hold a Higher Education qualification when they applied for university
- previously been a recipient of Free School Meals at school or sixth form
- from a disadvantaged background including low-income households and/or experience of care
Project & Supervisory requirements:
- The project should be a bespoke research project which contributes to a wider existing project.
- Projects require two supervisors. These summer studentships are a good opportunity to add to your teaching and research output. We encourage postdocs and senior PhD students to get involved in helping to supervise these summer students. This will give them valuable teaching experience and boost their CVs. For postdocs, it will help in applications to become a PhD supervisor.
- On the summer project application form you will notice space for a Primary and Secondary supervisor. We would encourage applications to involve both, and where appropriate postdocs can be lead supervisors.
- Funding
Students will receive a stipend of £3,500, equivalent to the London Living Wage, to be paid directly by In2research.
No consumables are available under this scheme.
- Timetable for Recuitment & Selection of Students
Friday 10th February 2023 Supervisors summer project submission deadline. Supervisors submit projects via In2research submission form February 2023 In2Research team review project placements and potential placement candidates and send potential candidates CVs and personal statements to supervisors for review. March 2023 Participant interviews
April 2023 Placements confirmed with hosts and participants. Once student has accepted, RDO to arrange contracts of employment.
May 2023 Placement host training session Between June - August 2023 8-week summer placement.
Health Data Science Black Internship Programme
The overall aim of the Health Data Black Internship Programme is to tackle the underrepresentation of Black people within the health data science industry, and to provide motivated candidates with an opportunity to expand their knowledge around health data science and gain the experience they need to kick start their career in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
Interns are offered a high-quality 8-week internship with GOS ICH which will provide them with the opportunity to learn about health data science in action, and how to carry out their own clearly defined research project. Further information about this scheme can be found on the HDRUK website.
These are not clinical placements and it is not possible to fund the costs of overseas visits. The projects must be based entirely at the Institute (remote working may be possible for some projects).
A brief report on the progress of the student's work is required at the end of the internship.
- Eligibility Criteria
Internship criteria
Although applicants will not be expected to have developed all of the following skills at this stage, some of the skills they should have include:
- Sound quantitative skills and the ability to conduct analyse using data.
- Competent pattern recognition and predictive modelling skills.
- Passion for solving health data problems, no matter how big or small; and are strongly motivated to get things done.
- Appreciation for our mission as the UK’s national institute for health data science to unite the UK’s health data to enable discoveries that improve people’s lives, and balance this with a collaborative mindset to prioritise their work.
- Confidence in their verbal communication and presentation skills.
- A willingness to learn and develop new skills, as well as tackle new areas.
- The project should be a bespoke data science research project.
- Projects require two supervisors. These summer studentships are a good opportunity to add to your teaching and research output. We encourage postdocs and senior PhD students to get involved in helping to supervise these summer students. This will give them valuable teaching experience and boost their CVs. For postdocs, it will help in applications to become a PhD supervisor.
- On the summer project application form you will notice space for a Primary and Secondary supervisor. We would encourage applications to involve both, and where appropriate postdocs can be lead supervisors.
- Funding
Students will receive a total stipend of £3489.44 (London Living Wage).
No consumables are available under this scheme.
- Timetable for Recuitment & Selection of Students
8th January 2023 Closing date for student applications to HDRUK January 2023 Planning webinar for host organisations. Monday 13th February 2023
Summer project submission deadline. Supervisors submit projects via GOS ICH MS Form February 2023 HDRUK will forward on CVs from students from February.
March 2023 date to be confirmed - GOS ICH Summer Placement Selection Panel will consider student applications and interview shortlisted students.
- Project submissions to be considered and selected by the GOS ICH Summer Placement Selection Panel.
- Applications from shortlisted and interviewed student(s) to be forwarded to successful supervisory applicants whose project has been selected by the GOS ICH Summer Placement Selection Panel.
April 2023 date to be confirmed Deadline for nomination of student/confirmation of student appointment by Supervisor. Once student has accepted, RDO to arrange contracts of employment.
Monday 3rd July - Friday 25th August 2023 8-week summer placement. Thursday 31st August 2023 BIP closing ceremony
- How to Apply
Project proposals are invited from supervisors who would like to participate in the above schemes. Please apply by completing the relevant form below:
- In2research Placement Programme submission deadline 27/01/2023
- Health Data Science Black Internship Programme submission deadline 13/02/2023
- Child Health Research Summer Studentship scheme submission deadline 13/02/2023
Project applications and Confirmation by Section Heads must be submitted by the relevant deadline.