
UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health


Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health



Uveitis in childhood prospective national cohort study

Families and clinicians from all across the UK have been helping us to answer important questions about what happens to children with uveitis, and why. Uveitis (inflammation inside the eye) is a rare disorder. UNICORNS is the first national, prospective study which will look at what happens to children after they are diagnosed with uveitis. 

Through UNICORNS, we have been collecting information which will be used to advise affected families, balance treatment decisions to help improve outcomes, and plan further research. 

What is the aim of the UNICORN study?

We want to collect information about children with uveitis in the UK so that we can better understand the disease. Although uveitis in children is rare, it has a high burden on the individual child and the adult they become, their family, and health service resource. There are unanswered questions about why children get uveitis and why some children with uveitis are more severely affected than others.  By analysing data on a large number of children, we hope to provide information that will help doctors and parents make decisions about the best care for affected children.

Who is organising and funding the research?

The study is organised by Lola Solebo, and funded by the National Institute of Health and Care Research

For more information contact us at unicorns@ucl.ac.uk

- Dr Ameenat Lola Solebo (Study Chief Investigator, NIHR Clinician Scientist and Consultant), UCL Institute of Child Health, 30 Guilford Street, London WC1N 1EH, Tel: 020 7905 2250, Email: a.solebo@ucl.ac.uk


unicorns uveitis

Recruiting clinical centres: 

Alder Hey Hospital, Edinburgh University Hospitals, Royal Bournemouth Hospital, Sussex Eye, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cardiff Eye, Royal Free Hospital, Coventry & Warwickshire, Greater Glasgow & Clyde, Guys & St Thomas' (Evalina) Hospitals, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Harrogate Hospital, James Paget Hospital, Moorfields Eye Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals, Norfolk & Norwich Hospital, Nottinhgham University Hospital, Royal London / Barts, Oxford University Hospital, Sheffield’s Children Hospital, Ninewells Dundee Hospital, Hull Eye Infirmary, University Hospitals of Leciester, Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Belfast, Birmingham Children's Hospital 

UNICORN publications: 

Inclusive study design to better serve the needs of children and young people with rheumatological conditions

UNICORNS: Uveitis in childhood prospective national cohort study protocol

Pathways to detection of non-infectious childhood uveitis in the UK: Findings from the UNICORN cohort study

Recognising and managing childhood onset uveitis: a guide for primary care

Perceptions and experiences of health care service use during the pandemic for children with uveitis: UNICORNS-C19 study

Data saves lives: optimising routinely collected clinical data for rare disease research

Limited Utility of Keratic Precipitate Morphology as an Indicator of Underlying Diagnosis in Ocular Inflammation