
UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health


Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health


Data and tools

Read about the datasets in which we have expertise and the data tools that we develop.


We place code (such as R and Stata code) as well as code lists (e.g. ICD-10 code lists of phenotypes of chronic conditions) on the Child Health Informatics Group Github page, the ECHILD Github page and the new searchable repository for phenotyping code lists (https://code.echild.ac.uk/


ThemeDatasetDescriptionData provider
HealthHospital Episode Statistics linked to Office for National Statistics Child Mortality DataData on NHS-funded hospital admissions, outpatient appointments and A&E attendances.NHS Digital
 Information Services Division Health DataThese are a set of linked datasets, similar to the Hospital Episode Statistics (above), that cover hospital use in Scotland.Information Services Division Scotland
EducationNational Pupil DatabaseRecords of all children enrolled in state schools in England.Department for Education
Family courtsChildren and Family Court Advisory Support Service (Cafcass)Data on all family court cases in which Cafcass are invoved.Cafcass
 Children in Family Justice Data ShareLinked data from the Ministry of Justice family courts database (called FamilyMan), Cafcass, the National Pupil Database and children looked after.Ministry of Justice
Social careChildren Looked AfterData from local authorities in England on all children who enter careDepartment for Education
 Children in NeedData from local authorities in England who are referred for social care supportDepartment for Education