Dr Heywood is a GOSH BRC Principal Research Fellow and group leader in Translational Mass Spectrometry. She is also an Honorary Clinical Biochemist at Great Ormond Street Hospital and the UCLH National Hospital and Director and co-founder of the UCL spin out Guilford Street Laboratories.
The Heywood research group focuses on Lysosomal Storage Disorders developing biomarkers in Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (Battens disease), Niemann Pick C disease and the Glycosphingolipidoses disorders (Fabry, Gaucher & Krabbe disease). They have a specific interest in the toxic mechanisms of lyso-lipids.
With expertise in proteomics and lipidomics for biomarker discovery and understanding disease mechanisms the group develops novel targeted multiplex assay panels for clinical applications such as clinical trials and development of novel therapies. This includes the creation of the Immuno TADA platform an innovative multiplex antibody assay now in commercial development to be offered through the NHS. The group has particular focus on supporting active collaborations with clinical partners to develop and streamline translation of novel biomarkers.
Collaborations & Funding
- Novel Immunoassay For Clinical Biomarkers Using Genetic Microdevices Innovate UK
- Biomarkers for Long Covid Royal Free Charity (collaboration with Royal Free Hospital)
- The Role of Toxic Glycosphingolipids in Glycosphingolipid disorders- Thai Red Cross (PhD Student)
- Seropositivity in AAV gene therapy (collaboration with Broad Institute USA)
- A targeted panel for detection of Cilia disorders (GOSH BRC)
- Biomarkers for Battens Disease (GOSH BRC)
- Lipid changes in GBA Parkinson’s Disease
- Biomarkers for cardiac involvement in Fabry disease (Collaboration with Royal Free Hospital)
- ASO therapy for Krabbe disease
- Industry collaborations with Spur Therapeutics, Genethon, Guilford St Labs