My current research interests are centred on the biochemical and metabolic responses to surgery and critical illness in infants and children. To these ends, we have established an active research group in the Paediatric Surgery unit undertaking a variety of basic science and applied clinical investigations. Recently, we have run several multi-centre and single-centre randomised clinical trials in Paediatric Surgery. I have also established a stable-isotope facility in the Institute of Child Health to undertake nutritional and body composition studies.
UCL Appointments
Associate Professor
University College London, Developmental Biology & Cancer Dept
Doctor of Philosophy
University of Newcastle upon Tyne1992Bachelor of Science
University of Durham1988
Fields of Research
- Biochemistry and Cell Biology
- Clinical sciences
- Nutrition and dietetics
- Reproductive Medicine
- Health Services and systems
- Public Health
- Group Members
Mr Mohar Chattopadhyay
PhD student