The BD FACSCalibur is fitted with two laser, an air-cooled 488-nm argon blue laser and a 635-nm red diode laser. The two lasers are spatially separated.
Our Calibur is also fitted with an HTS plate loader system.
3 colours plus forward scatter and side scatter parameters can be deteced on the blue laser:
PMT Detector FL1 (green channe) is fitted with 530/30 band pass (BP) filter
PMT Detector FL2 (orange channel) is fitted with 585/42 BP filter
PMT Detector FL3 (red channel) is fitted with 670LP filter, which means any fluorochrome excited by the blue laser and emitting above 670 nm can be detected in this channel.
Only one colour can be detected on the second red laser using 661/16 BP filter on a PMT detector called FL4.