Introduction to tidyverse and ggplot2
11 October 2024–18 October 2024, 9:30 am–4:30 pm
This course introduces participants to the powerful data manipulation capabilities of the {tidyverse} package in R and focuses on the visualisation capabilities of the {ggplot2} package to create comprehensive and informative data visualisations.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
- £350.00
Organised by Centre for Applied Statistics, delivered by R-studio certified and industry expert: Nicolas Attalides
Note: This course will be delivered in hybrid mode, i.e. the in-person lecture will be transmitted live on zoom. The face-to-face part of the hybrid courses will go ahead conditional on at least 5 participants registering for this mode of delivery. Few classes may be delivered exclusively online, so please check under the Future dates tab for clarification. The online part of the class will be supported by its own dedicated teaching staff (along with the lead lecturer), therefore participants can expect the same level of group and individual support as the face-to-face class. You will be able to choose your preferred mode of attendance (face-to-face or online) during registration.
- Course Content
Day 1: {tidyverse} 11th October 2024
- What is a framework package and the packages within tidyverse.
- Learn and use the verb functions of {dplyr} (select, filter, arrange, mutate, group by and summarise)
- Improve your R code workflow with the pipe operator.
- String manipulations using {stringr}
- Learn about factors and how to manipulate them using the {forcats} package
- A brief intro to {tidyr} and the pivot_longer and pivot_wider functions.
Day 2: {ggplot2} 18th October 2024
- Introduce the main components needed to create a graphical object using the ggplot function.
- Explain the aesthetic mapping approach and what are geometry layers such as geom_point, geom_line etc.
- How do we add colour, transparency, change the size and shape.
- Circle back to how tidyverse functions help us prepare our data for visualisations.
- Dependent on time a brief intro to the theme function and other areas of customisation of the plot such as the labels, title and caption.
* bonus item: demo of shiny and highlight its benefits.
- Nicolas will provide extensive slides with explanations of the R code (instead of notes) along with the relevant R script file.
- All sessions will include analysis of ‘real’ datasets along with practical exercises.
- The sessions will NOT be recorded.
- Fees
Course fees (live)
Below are the course fees for all courses delivered live either face-to-face, or through online video feed.
External Delegates (Non-UCL) £350.00 UCL Staff and Students £175.00 * UCL Alumni £175.00* Staff and Doctoral Students from ICH/GOSH £175.00* * Valid UCL email address and/or UCL alumni number required upon registration. Please note, this category does not include hospital staff unless you hold an official contract with the university.
Cancellations: Cancellation Policy
* A valid UCL email address and/or UCL alumni number required. Please note, this category does not include hospital staff unless you have a formal affiliation with the university. To get this discount, please email to confirm your eligibility and receive a code that can be entered at the checkout.
† If you are a doctoral student from SLMS (School of Life and Medical Sciences), you can get access to this, and all other self-paced courses developed by CASC by filling in this online form.
- Future Live Dates
Dates Time Apply 11th and 18th of October 2024 9.30am - 4.30pm Subscribe to our Mailing List ^We recommend logging in 10 minutes prior to the scheduled start time to access materials and ensure the course can start promptly at 9.30am.