The Present
23 November 2021, 2:00 pm–3:00 pm

This is the second lecture of the lecture series celebrating 75 years of the UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health.
Event Information
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ICH Communication Office
The lectures will be streamed via our YouTube Cannel.
This lecture will be delivered by:
Professor David Long
Professor of Paediatric Nephrology, Developmental Biology and Cancer Research and Teaching Department, UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health (ICH)
Title: 'Innovative technologies to identify new treatment targets for kidney disease'
David is a Professor in Paediatric Nephrology and a Wellcome Trust Investigator in Science based in the Developmental Biology and Cancer Department at ICH with experience in the renal and vascular biology fields. His initial research experience was gained at GOSICH as an MRC-funded PhD student (1999-2002), before postdoctoral work in the USA at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston and the University of Florida. David returned to ICH and developed his own research group supported by a Senior Non-Clinical Fellowship from Kidney Research UK (2008-14), an MRC New Investigator Award (2012-16) and a Wellcome Trust Investigator Award (2020-). His group has a strong kidney translational research mission which aims to understand mechanisms which underlie kidney disease in children and adults with the goal of translating these findings for patient benefit. To do this, they combine experimental models of kidney disease using zebrafish, transgenic mice and patient samples with innovative technologies including three-dimensional imaging, mathematical modelling, gene editing, stem cell technology and novel therapeutic approaches.
Professor Manju Kurian
Professor of Neurogenetics, Developmental Neurosciences Research and Teaching Department, UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health (ICH)
Title: 'Translational Research at ICH: From the bench to the bedside for neurodegenerative disorders'
Professor Manju Kurian is a Professor of Neurogenetics and NIHR Research Professor at ICH. She is also a consultant Paediatric Neurologist at Great Ormond Street Hospital. After graduating from Cambridge University, she trained in Paediatrics before subspecialising in Paediatric Neurology. At the end of her clinical training, she undertook a PhD (University of Birmingham) investigating the molecular genetic basis of childhood neurological disorders (2007-2011). She moved to UCL after her PhD, and has since established herself as an independent Principal Investigator at the UCL GOS Institute of Child Health. She was awarded a Wellcome Intermediate Fellowship in 2012, NIHR Professorship in 2017 and holds the The Jules Thorn Award for Biomedical Research (2019-2024)
The lectures will be followed by a Q&A session via Event code: #ICH75PRESENT
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